Chapter 7 | Reapers

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"What have you done to my greatest creation?! Who are you, bathing into my territory without even making a proper ... appointment," the man who came rushing to the front entrance was mesmerised by Imepria's beauty.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't inform that I need to make such trivial task before coming here. I hope you don't mind that I just killed your guard. He was rather rude to me and my advisors." Once again the man's eyelid widen as he came face to face with both Keres and Hotep.

"By all means, do what you must. I should be the one who apologised. After all, it was my servants who were being rude to such ... divine creatures such as yourself. Please, follow me to my office. If business you wish to talk about, let us discuss in a proper environment." The man invites.

Imperia didn't hesitate to stepped on the guard's corpse as she follows the man towards his office.

"Are you ... by any chance ... a vampire?" The man asked while leading the vampires through the vast hallways.

"What makes you think that I am a vampire?" The man chuckles.

"Obviously the way you just killed my guard. I mean, there is only a few creatures out there that would suck their victim's blood dry and one of them is a vampire. Are you?" Imperia replies with a soft chuckle.

"I am and so are they. We're vampires," Imperia raised an eyebrow when the man appear to be excited about something.

"My apologies. It's rare for me to have such a legendary guests. Please, through here," the man opens the door and let the vampire enters before he follows them from behind and close the door. He took his only chance to lock the door and pretend like he didn't do anything questionable.

But for Imperia, she heard the low sound of click when he closes the door. She finds it interesting that a mere human like him has the guts to play tricks on vampires.

"Please, have a seat. Would you like to have a drink or two? What kind of a host would I be if I let my guests starve to death." The man chuckles as he pours Imperia and the others a glass of red wine.

"Thank you so much for such hospitality. I never thought that I would be treated like royalty. And I didn't even do a proper appointment to meet such a successful man as yourself." Imperia motion her hands around the room, referring to the awards and pictures he has with world leaders.

"Oh, I'm just a doctor who seek the best medical healthcare for everyone, humans and creatures." At this moment, Imperia noticed a familiar ring that he wore on his pinky. It looks exactly like the ring that one of her sisters used to wear.

"That's a beautiful ring you have." Imperia commented before the man looks at the ring with a creepy smile.

"It was given to me by my lover. Unfortunately, she was deem to be nothing but a scoundrel. Anyway, we should stop talking about such a gloomy subject and let's talk business." The man grinned from ear to ear when he witnessed the vampires took a sip of the wine he had pour earlier.

"You should tell me your name before we talk about such trivial things." The man apologised.

"My name is Jericho. My staff called me doctor Jericho. I much preferred that you called me doctor Jericho." Imperia rolled her eyes. She never like anyone who acted rude towards her. Imperia was born royal and a pureblood to boot.

Normally, she wouldn't let a mere human talks to her like Jericho did but for the sake of her family whereabout, she let him be.

"Doctor Jericho. My name is Imperia. The reason I'm here is to see if your facility has someone that I'm looking for." Doctor Jericho wonder who it might be.

"Tell me their name and I shall tell you if someone of that name is here." Imperia place her glass on the table.

"Zena and Zilla Luna. They're important to me and I really wish that you could help me." Jericho's expression changes when he heard the names.

"I'm sorry, I never heard of that names before," he was about to smile when Keres suddenly standing behind him with her hands on his shoulder.

"The queen will not tolerate liars. She can sense that you're not telling her the truth. If it comes to it, I will not be hesitate to dig deeper into your memories. Trust me, I always find the answer my queen seek even if I have to get my hands dirty." Keres whispered into Jericho's left ear.

"Who gave you permission to touch me, vile creature?" Jericho asked, obviously anger by Keres's action.

"My queen permits me to do anything that will benefit her." Keres replies with a smile as she tightened her grip.

"Foul creature! You should be whip for your behaviour against me, a divine being!" Jericho suddenly whips his rosary that was hidden inside his shirt and used it to removed Keres's hands from his shoulders.

Keres removed her hands and let it heal. Jericho stands up from his seat and face Imperia.

"I've been giving you such welcoming hospitality! Is this how your kind returns the gesture? What a repulsive, uneducated creature you are." Imperia raised her hand when Hotep was about to grabbed him by the neck.

"I'm asking you this once again. Where is Zena and Zilla Luna." Imperia ignores his question and keep pressuring Jericho to tell her where he had hide her sisters.

"You want to know the truth? I'll give you the truth. Those talented vampires has become the beacon of my ambitious plan to create perfect being. They have become such an important specimen for my project, that I have them lock and secure, somewhere." Jericho gave Imperia a winning smirk.

"They have become ... the breeders." It was at that moment, Imperia realised that talking to someone who doesn't have the sense of reality was futile. She have no choice but to resort to violence.

She stands up from her seat and leans forward at the human.

"Tell me where they are, and maybe I will let you live. If, you decided to be stubborn, Keres will have to explore your brain, looking for my sisters through your memories. Trust me, it won't end well." Jericho smirk before splashing a full bottle of holy water onto Imperia's face.

Jericho sigh hysterically but it soon turns grim when Imperia didn't even have a mark on her.

"What ... how ... how is that possible?! You should be rolling on the floor, moaning in pain!" Jericho beginning to grabbed whatever holy object he manage to grabbed within arms reach and throws it towards Imperia.

It was when Imperia decided to take a crucifix, letting it burn her flesh to bones that he realised something is not right.

"Who are you?!" He asked, stuttering.

"I'm Imperia Luna, the real queen of Gotus. Holy object doesn't do shit to me! I'm a pureblood! Whatever barrier you have placed around the facility doesn't do anything to creatures on my calibre! Tell me the whereabout of my sisters, NOW!" Imperia growls.

Jericho cowers in fear as he slowly pointing at one of the bookcases.

"Take his memories. I want every single detail about this project of his. Hotep, let's find Zena and Zilla." Hotep nods and followed Imperia towards the secret passage.

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