Title your Story part

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(lovely title right?)
(I couldn't think of a name)

"Damn didn't know he could even muster cuss word" Katsuki says looking at his phone. Nothing to seconds after the call the door was slammed opened by Tenya.

"Where is she?" Tenya asks looking franticly around the room then laid his eyes on you. He picks you up bridal style and thinks to himself out loud. "We didn't pack a overnight bag cause they weren't due till two months from now"

"I can hold up for a minute you can go pack one right quick" you say to your frantic husband.

"Oh my God I left Red Riot out there on the job" he says.

"I'll cover for you" Katsuki says walking out of the door.

"Thank you!" Tenya yells. Running to go pack a bag while you say on the couch as another contraction his you.

"Ah-!" You shortly cry not trying to cause any more stress to your husband.

"Y/n was that you?" Tenya asks

"Yeah but I'm fine" you reply.

"Oh okay" Tenya walking out of his room not in hero costume "I changed cause that uniform would get uncomfortable over time" he said picking you up if the couch bridal style.

"Understandable" you reply.

"I'm gonna run you to the hospital" Tenya says

"Oh okay just be careful" you say holding on to Tenya.

"I will" he says pulling you close and starting to run. Tenya has never ran you around with him before, so this was a new experience for you.

"This is fun" you squeak out

"Hold on okay" Tenya says holding you even closer than before.

"Okay love-" you say feeling another contraction.

"And here we are" Tenya says setting you down and walking you to the hospital.

"Hello what can I get you two?" The receptionist asks

"She just went into labor" Tenya says with his hand on your shoulder. The receptionist typed something in on her computer.

"Right this way" she says leading the two of you. "You sir are going to have to wait outside" she continues.

"Yes ma'am" Tenya says sitting down on one of the waiting room chairs. He decided to call some people to let them know what's going on. First your dad.

"Hello?" Your dad answers confused cause Tenya never calls him.

"I've called to tell you that Y/n has gone into labor" Tenya explains.

"Oh no" your dad says then hangs up. He then calls Shoto.

"Hello Tenya" Shoto answers the phone.

"So Y/n has gone into labor" Tenya explains.

"wait her due date was in like a month and a half" Shoto explains.

"I know" Tenya says before getting off the phone.

~time skip about six hours~

Your dad and Dadzawa were there since like five minutes after the call.

"Zachi calm down she'll be fine" Dadzawa says trying to calm you father.

"I can't this is how her mother died" he says in a soft voice.

"What?" Tenya asks getting even more worried.

"Yeah Y/n was premature also, but her mother didn't make it..." He explains to Tenya.

"Oh..." Tenya says in a sad voice trying not to think of what might happen.

"Hey N/n is a strong woman she can make though this!" Shoto says trying to lift The spirits of the two men.

"Yeah!" The both say in unison

"Oh hey Shoto what is it cause we won't be able to have a baby shower now" Tenya asks.

"I've only told one other living man and that's Izuku" shots Saturday pointing at Izuku as he said his name "and I'm not telling you guys, just wait you'll know soon enough" he continues.

"Bro I respect that" Ejiro says walking in to the waiting room with Katsuki.

~about an hour l8r~

A high pitched cry could be heard from the room Tenya looks at the door then looks at Shoto. Then a nurse walks out of the room.

"The baby is healthy and the mother is in good condition" she states. She then looks at Tenya "she has requested for you to come into the room" she continues walking away. Tenya gets up then walks into the room to see you laying in the bed looking exhausted, holding their child.

"I did it" you say out of it looking at Tenya as one of the midwives takes the child to go clean it. He sits down in the chair next to you and holds your hand.

"I'm glad your okay" he says smiling as the midwife comes back in with the baby.

"Would you like to hold her?" " She asks Tenya. He nods his head as she hands her to him. As he starts to hold her the midwife leaves. She is small enough to fit in both palms of his hands (he does have big hands tho)

'she's beautiful' he thinks to himself as years start to come down his face. You steadily start to drift off to sleep. Tenya on the other hand was stiff as a board holding the baby she then opens her eyes to reveal some piercing blue eyes.

"Tenya are you crying?" You ask starting to wake up.

"Yeah, I was very worried about you and her then your dad told me about when you where born and that made me even more worried and I'm just so happy both of you are okay" Tenya answers.

"What would you like to name her?" Tenya asks.

"I was thinking about Tora" you say looking at Tenya.

"That's a lovely name" Tenya says.

"Indeed" you say "can I hold her?" You ask. Tenya nods his head and hands her to you.

That's the end of the chapter the next chapter will be like after three years


Lil senario I made up in my head

You to Tenya in the hospital after the usj attack: stab wound? More like extra pocket!

Tenya: no-

You try to shove something into the wound

Tenya: nO-

Tenya Iida x Pregnant Wife Reader  💫Compleated💫Where stories live. Discover now