day with Tora

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I know there has been allot of time skips but the stuff in this chapter would be better if they where about 13.

It's a normal day at school for Tora. But today Tora is a little distracted she keeps looking at her crush Aki, a kid then glares at Tora. She automatically snaps out of it and focuses on work. At lunch the kid confronts her.

"Hey Iida" the kid says sitting down next to Tora

"Oh hello Hiro" she says smiling

"So why where you looking at Aki earlier in class?' Hiro asks

"I-I think I might like her" Tora says quietly

"Ew what why would a girl like a girl?" Hiro asks "my mom says that people who like the same gender shouldn't exist" Hiro continues

"Well your mom should wake up and face the music, cause gay people are everywhere" Tora says a little irritated "some people whomst you look up to might be gay you never know" she continues "and I believe that people like your mom shouldn't exist" she says causing Hiro to run away.

At recess Tora was swinging on the swing set cause no one would play with her. Out of nowhere she is confronted by Hiro and (idk the influenced by parents homophobic 13 year old Mafia)

"Hey Iida! wonder why everyone isn't playing with you, it's cause I told everyone about your little crush" Hiro says causing Tora to look at him with wide eyes "and nobody wants to play with you now" Hiro continues with a proud

"Why did you do that?" Tora says tearing up "I trusted you" she continues.

"Look she's starting to cry!" One of Hiro's goons say

Right around that happening Ikki and Tetsu are out on patrol near the school. And just so happens to hear what's going down. They poke their heads around a tree to see Tora getting punched in the face. They both get mad and is about to storm out there but it's he's back by their dad.

"Now wait let's see what happens then we'll go out there" Kiri says holding the two of them back.

"But Dad" they say in unison

"Just watch" Kiri responds. As he says that Aki rushes in there to protect Tora.

"What're you guys doing!" She asks inspecting Tora's face

"Putting that fag in her place" Hiro responds. Kiri then gets irritated.

"That's not very nice! You shouldn't treat people like that!" Aki yells

"I did this for you! That fag over there has a crush on you" Hiro states causing Aki to blush

"It doesn't matter if a girl has a crush on a girl or if a boy has a crush on a boy" Aki says calmly, she turns around to Tora and smiles "I find it flattering, I kinda had a crush on you too Tora" she continues leaving Hiro and his goons dumbfounded as Tora blushes. She hugs Tora "you wanna be my girlfriend?" She asks. Tora hugs back tearing up a bit nodding her head.

After all of that Tora asks Hiro a very important question

"Oh hey Hiro who is your favorite Hero?" She asks

"Red Riot he's so manly I bet he has a hot wife!" He says

"Oh yeah I do" Kiri says coming out of nowhere "you wanna see one of my wedding pictures little dude?" Hiro is starstruck as he nods his head yes. Kiri pulls out his phone to show him the perfect picture

 Kiri pulls out his phone to show him the perfect picture

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"B-but that's a guy" Hiro says

"Exactly! Now why would I date a girl if I'm gay?" He asks in a bubbly manor

"Cause that's the correct way to do it" Hiro answers. Kirishima's face went from happy-like to irritated.

"What if I told you the correct way to part your hair was to the left and not the right. Now never ever do that to Tora again or her little girlfriend again. Or next time I won't hold back my kids" he says pointing over his shoulder with his thumb at a pissed Ikki and Tetsu.

"You mean Aki Kaminari?" Hiro says

"Kaminari?" Kiri asks himself as Hiro runs away "damnit" Kiri says walking back to his sons

"What's wrong dad?" Ikki asks.

"It's nothing" he says before walking off "Tetsu stop reading my mind" Kiri yells

"How'd you-?" Tetsu tries to ask but gets cut off

"I'm your dad!" Kiri says before turning around a corner.

(Okay I drew Aki Kaminari cause I wanted to and couldn't stop so here is the pictures

(Okay I drew Aki Kaminari cause I wanted to and couldn't stop so here is the pictures

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Teenager (don't mind how the earrings have changed) (also she got more over time)

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Teenager (don't mind how the earrings have changed) (also she got more over time)

Teenager (don't mind how the earrings have changed) (also she got more over time)

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Crying cause idk) (oh yeah she is Kaminari's adopted daughter)

Tora walked Aki home that afternoon. When they got to her house Aki hugged Tora and pecked her on the cheek, she then walks in. Leaving Tora standing there with her hand on her cheek blushing. After a minute she walks home, she goes inside to get a small baby clothes thrown at her by you and Tenya.

"W-what's this?" Tora asks

"I'm pregnant!" You say excited

"REALLY?!" Tora asks exited, you nod your head (I know this doesn't add up to the last actual chapter but that's okay I guess) {magic} you walk over to Tora and look at her face

"Oh baby what happened?" You ask but before she could answer Kiri walks through the door.

"Kids where picking on her cause she had a crush on somebody, but it's handled now" Kiri says

"Uh um okay, I actually just got really tired all of a sudden so I'm gonna take a nap" you say walking off. Tenya takes Tora over to the couch and sits get down.

"Are you okay?" Tenya asks

Tenya Iida x Pregnant Wife Reader  💫Compleated💫Where stories live. Discover now