memory you have with ur father

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When u where in kindergarten

"Welcome class" your teacher says. "We have a new student" she says, yanking you out from behind her.

"Hi my back is Y/n Yamada" you say.

"Alright class say hello back" she says with a fake smile.

"Hello Yamada!" They reply

"Now go sit down by Todoroki, Todoroki raise your hand" she says as Shoto raises his hand. You go and sit by him.

"Hello" you say waving your hand at him.

"Hi" he replies.

Time skip till around mother's day

"Alright class come gather around and tell us about your moms" your teacher says.

"Ma'am" you say raising your hand.

"Yeah what is it?" She asks

"I don't have a mom" you reply.

"Why? Is your dad a faggot out something?" she asks rudely "you know what just go sit in the corner then" she snaps. You walk to the corner and sit down. You start to cry a little bit cause your teacher just called your dad something that probably is a nasty word. "Todoroki you go first" she says sweetly

"My mom poured boiling water on me, and got sent to a mental facility" he says in a monotone voice.

"You go sit in the corner too" she says pointing in your direction. He walk over to you.

"N/n are you crying?" He asks softly sitting down next to you.

"Yeah" you reply

"Why?" He asks.

"Is faggot a good or bad word?" You ask.

"It's a bad word I think" he replies.

"She called my dad that because I don't have a mom" you say tearing up more.

"Hey hey hey, it's okay" Shoto says hugging you.

At home

"How was school?" Your dad asks.

"Not that good" you reply.

"Why?" He asks.

"We where gathering around to trek everyone about our moms and I told her that u don't have a mom so she asked if you were a faggot or something, then sent me to the corner" you explain.

"Oh jeez um" your dad says trying to think of what to say.

"What happened to my mom?" You ask.

"Sweetie do you know about death?" He asks sitting you down.

"Yeah" you reply.

"Your mom died while giving birth to you" he says in a calm voice.

"O-oh" you say. You look at your dad who looked like he was about to cry, so you walk up to him and hug him. That was his breaking point, he started to cry. "I'm sorry" you say.

"It's fine it's not your fault" he replies.

The next day at school

"Yamada I believe you know what happened to your mom now" the teacher says.

"Yes I do, she um died while giving birth to me" you reply.

"Now so you wish to become a hero?" She asks, your nod your head. "How do you expect to become a hero after you killed your mother, no you murdered her" she spits. "Kids stay away from the murderer!" She says in a loud voice. Shoto walked over to you and hugged you. "Todoroki get away from her!" She says causing you to cry a little bit.

"No!" He replies. "She's only five, and just found out that her mother died!" He continues. "Now her teacher is degrading her to the point of crying, how do you think that makes her feel?" He asks

"I don't care how she feels" she retaliates. Shoto then closed you both in a ball of ice. Keeping you warm by putting you on his left side, by kinda side hugging you. "Hey get out of there!" She says knocking on the ice.

"No! This is her safe place!" Shoto yells.

"Todoroki and Yamada are checking out" the intercom says.

"You hear that brats, get out of there you're checking out!" She says knocking on the ice that soon gets hot a hole melts then fire is shot out at her hand. You both get your stuff and leave to reveal that Endeavor checked you out.

"Okay Y/n I'll take you home, your dad wanted me to check you out cause he didn't want you to be in there with that toxic teacher so you'll stay with us till your dad gets off of work" he says.

"Yes sir" you say. When you got in the car.

"Y/n are you okay? it seems like you were crying?" He asks.

"The teacher was trying to shun her from the class, because she told her that her mom died." Shoto explains.

"Y'know we need to move you two to a new school, I know a great one" Endeavor explains.


"Hey Y/n!" Ur father says walking up to you He then asks Shoto and Endeavor "are you okay?".

"She uh got her quirk in the car" Endeavor says.

"Really!? What is it?" He asks looking at you. You summon a trumpet and buzzed into it creating a loud noise. Ur dad scratches his ear. "Lovely" he says.

"Indeed" Endeavor agrees.

So you and your dad learned the basics of most of all the commonly known instruments to help with your quirk. And now you are a great player with almost every instrument. You have a amazing dad

Tenya Iida x Pregnant Wife Reader  💫Compleated💫Where stories live. Discover now