Moon '

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~ Another short poem embracing the love of sun and moon.


Eventually, the sun had to stop chasing the moon ',

Cause' he perceived that glimmer in the sprinkles soon '.

Yes, that rainbow will appear and glisten those eyes ',

But only when the shower of love is flooded twice '.


So guysss! That was quick, right? No!

This poem may be short,
Ok toooo short!

But, it has several meanings ( especially the last line ).

The one I expected you to understand is this -

So basically, this poem has three individual characters ( persona ),

- The sun
- The moon
- The sprinkle {( here used ) aka rain ... }

As we all have read tons of poems, quotes and stories of sun and moon, this one is also similar. There are many poems in which sun and moon are personified as ' him and her '.

In this one, I have also added the rain.

So, the chemistry b/w the sun and the moon is one of the most popular ones.

But as we all know, they both are far away from each other and only meet on eclipses.

And here's the entry of rain, who can always be with the sun.

So, the poem is basically what is said to the sun everytime and the last line is the feelings of sun ( what he replies ).

He is told to stop chasing the moon and perceive the efforts and beauty of the rain.

To be with the rain!

( Here's the sun's feelings )

He says, even if he cannot be with the moon, he will never stop loving her.

He perceived the beauty of the rain, tried to be with it, formed the rainbow with the rain but couldn't love her.

Everytime a rainbow is formed, he appears again but he still kill himself everyday, just for letting the moon live.

For him, even if the rainbow is formed with the rain, but he is only happy by forming that diamond ring for and with the moon!

He doesn't care how long it lasts, he will not stop chasing the moon as his happiness lies in it and his love for the moon is twice than the rain has for him.

That was the actual meaning of the poem, like what I meant.

Yes you can find other meanings like a new bond b/w the sun and the moon, etc...
It all depends on you.

Thankyou guys for reading! <3

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