Messaging Timmy

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The Russian time was five hours behind America so the girls texted Timmy a message. "I'm still confused what my uncle meant by Nickelandia Haunted House in his notes." said Tootie. 

"Do you know any haunted houses in Nickelandia Trixie?"
Trixie said "None that I know of." she said. "Do you know Chloe? she asked the blonde girl. "I never ever want to encounter one." She replied. 

 "I have seen a ghost once," Tootie said. She told her encounter with a ghost.

"Then you woke up from your dream" added Chloe and Trixie. "let's ask Timmy about the haunted house." Tootie suggested as she texted 'Is there a haunted house in Nickelandia?'

Tootie got a reply the text read, 'In front of the mall near Conner's house.'
"I've been there and I didn't like it," Trixie said. Timmy texted a warning, 'Beware, strange happenings occur there.

The girls ignored Timmy's warning and they went to the Conner House.

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