Happy Ending Much?

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As it turns out, Uncle Ricky was suffering from a writer's block and the rose shawl and music were just props for inspiration.

"We found a carving saying Richard and Fairywinkle," Tootie told Wanda and Ricky, Ricky refused to comment and he and Wanda went inside the Turner house for tea. 

"Whatever it is, We don't ever want you to ever go there again." Uncle Ricky scolded the girls.

"I just realized something, Richard and Fairywinkle. The two were childhood lovers." Trixie concluded. 

Tootie received a text from Timmy it read 'What do you mean?' Tootie texted to him about the house and he texted back,'I didn't send you a message yesterday." 

But the girls didn't send a message the day prior. "So if he didn't send the text," Chloe asked, "Who did?" Trixie said.

Tootie in fear yelled, "Uncle Ricky, take back my phone I don't want it anymore!" she entered the house leaving Chloe and Trixie shrugging at the matter.

The End.

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