Part 1- College.

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Alicha's POV

Great, I thought to myself as I rolled to look at the alarm clock. 6 am. And I was moving today. Yawning, I sat up in my bed and rubbed my eyes. College was gonna suck so so much. I was probably gonna be the only emo-scene-goth person on campus, and my roomie was probably gonna be some fake tan bleach blonde bitch. I was so not ready for this. I put my black bunny slippers on and stumbled downstairs. I reached into my parents cabinet and took out the Boo Berries my parents kept in there. Pouring myself a bowl, I sat and imagined what college would be like.

Well, the campus was probably gonna be all slutty white girl and otherwise boring nerds. All of the boys will be ugly- well, not ugly, I guess, just not my type. Now, Nikki Misery is my type. He's so adorable! But the chances that he'll be at my university are .00000000000001%. I mean, they're my age, but they have to tour, right? They probably dont need college, anyway. If anything, they're taking it online. "Honey," my dad yelled down the stairs, "time to go!" I dumped the rest of the Boo Berries down the sink and plugged my earbuds into my ears. I sat down in the car. One boring car ride later, I was at college.

Ash's POV

Fun, fun, fun, college. It was my second year in college, but my second semester on campus. I had to do classes online so I could tour and stuff, you know? Honestly, I dont know why I'm sticking to this college thing. Music is my calling, not vetrinary, right? Always good to have backup, though. Chances are we're not the next Rolling Stones.

I was staying in the area so we could still play Cali shows even though I'm on campus. I was already given my room- Ginger building, second floor, room 5. G25. I hope my boyfriend, Nick, doesn't miss me too much. Yeah, yeah, everyone think's I'm dating Nikki, but nope! Nick is mine. That's why I'm kinda on edge at concerts. Bitches be flirting, y'know? Anyway, I pulled up to Ginger building and started to lug my stuff up to G25. Oh, what fun!

Alicha's POV

My dad pulled up to Ginger building. G25 is my room. I hugged my dad tight- we'd always gotten along better than me and my mom. "I'm gonna miss you, Daddy," I whispered into his shoulder. I hadn't called him Daddy since I was 12. "I'm gonna miss you too, babygirl." I asked him to stop calling me that when I was 10. I didn't care now, though. I held back tears as we grabbed bags to take upstairs. We were really, really late, so the elevator was empty when I pushed the "up" button. Shakily, I pressed the "2" for what floor to get to. I found room 5, hence 25, and put my key in the keyhole. I unlocked the door, and pushed it open. "Hi, I'm-" I began, and then she turned around. Was that...? It was Ashely freaking Costello.

Ash's POV

Well. The girl I'm rooming with just dropped her bags and is staring at me in shock. I think she knows who I am. "Hey, I'm assuming you know who I am?" She nodded her head. "Bags are a dead giveaway." I chuckled. She looked down at the floor and managed a small, high-pitched, "ha". I shook my head, flashing a winning smile. "I don't bite, I think. And I'm just human- I'm pretty sure. Come get your stuff in." She sighed. "If you say so," she whispered and set her stuff on the bed. "Got more stuff? I can help carry it," I offered. She nodded. "Yeah, I do, actually. Thanks." We walked to the elevator in scilence, and as we were waiting for it, I finally spoke up. "Soooo... what's your name?" She smiled at me. She was rather pretty, really. Curves and long black hair. "Alicha," she responded. "But call me Ali." I nodded. Ali. Nice name. "My dad's car is this way, she said, walking to a black minivan. "That your roomie?" The man, I guessed it was her dad, asked. She nodded. "See, college isn't all preppy blonde bitches like you thought." I giggled lightly. "Actually," she sassed, "she's the singer of a band I like. You seemed to like them, too, remember? The new EP I bought?" His eyes lit up. "Oh, yeah, them!" he exclaimed, and shook my hand. "Nice to meet you, I'm Jim."

"Ash," I replied, "Nice to meet a dad who likes the music too." He was muscular and had brown hair that fell to his shoulders. Coulda guessed he was a rocker- would've been surprised if he wasn't. His ears were gauged the slightest and he had a few tatoos. Cool dad. He smiled repling, "I bet. Woulda died if Ali liked that rap crap. I'm more classic rock, but you ain't bad." He had a slight southern drawl- gessing he grew up in Texas or somewhere. Ali was Philadelphian, though. I could tell already. "So, um, I'm gonna help Ali lug some stuff upstairs. You coming? The dorms aren't to bad here, actually. We got a fridge, at least." Ali smiled, laughing. "Good, cause I brought a microwave!" I raised one drawn-on eyebrow and started cracking up. "I know, I know, I'm overprepared," Ali gasped between laughs. I'm starting to like this girl.

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