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Night came along as both kings fall into a deep slumber. Sleeping in their now separate rooms.

Quiet snores could be heard from the young king, turning from side to side, finding a perfect position to sleep in.

Next to the bed, his mystic pet kept his golden eyes opened watching the young king's every single move. Guarding him through the night as always.

The red feathers fall to the ground as the bird shivered in coldness before a blazing fire lit up. Ashes were found on the ground on top of boots covered feet.

The man stood there for a second before getting closer to the king. He took a good sight of the boy, letting his hand to stroke the younger's cheeks.
"Why do you have to go through this Jisung-ah?"

He mumbled quietly, not wanting to disturb the sleeping king. His trance over the king was cut off as he heard a knock coming from the window.

After seeing a flaming creature flying near the window, it magically opened by itself, letting the creature to land on the ground before revealing itself.

A man with a red colored hair, dressed in a maroon coloured suit. The man smiled before hugging the younger Phoenix.

"Jaemin-ah, how are you?" The man asked, smiling towards him.

"I'm fine, what about you Taeyong hyung?" He asked back with a small smile on his face.

"A little bit stressed out because of my master. " he said.

Jaemin nodded before looking back to his own master, sleeping peacefully on the bed. Taeyong gazed wandered to the sleeping king as well, smiling sweetly.

"He's adorable, " taeyong said. Jaemin gave the older a glare as Taeyong laughed silently, saying it was just a joke.

"But really, he's adorable."

"I know that, "

It was a fact to him. The first time they 'accidentally' met, Jaemin could see the full view of his new master's feature. He must admit that he is adorable and almost couldn't accept the fact that he was the same king that will go through the hardships.

It sucks for him because he couldn't really tell the king about what will happen. But his powers have their own limits.

"Something wrong?"

Taeyong asked softly. Jaemin sighed before facing back to the older and started to tell the whole incident.

The younger Phoenix even took his senior to the other king's bedroom where he could saw the king sleeping or cuddling with his future mistress.

"Such a cruel man."

Taeyong said, his wings fluttering, stretching it outwards.

"I would even call him a dog." Jaemin mumbled as he received a smack on his small head.

"Don't be like that, " taeyong scolded.

Phoenix | JAESUNG [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now