lacuna: an unfilled space or interval; a gap.

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I shakily stood up and really looked at Gilbert for the first time since I lost my memory. He was even more handsome in person than in my dreams, and his eyes...his worried eyes...revealed the golden flecks that I've been picturing staring into for a while now.

"Anne? Are you okay?" he asked.

I shook my head and continued to stare into his eyes, "No. And I haven't been for a while now," my voice cracked and it took me everything I had to hold it together, "Gil...I love you. And I'm sorry that it took me until now to remember how much I love you, but I do. I really really do."

His face furrowed into anger, "How can you say that after what you did?" I tried to interject but he continued, "I had to find out from fucking Roy Gardner that you and him were dating," I flinched at the name that Gilbert spit off of his tongue, "And for you to confirm that? I just--" he stopped and shook his head, "No. I'm not doing this. I can't." He threw his hands up in the air and started to walk away.

"Wait! Gilbert please let me explain!"

He stopped and glared at me, "Why should I?"

He continued walking but I grabbed his forearm to hold him still, "Because I was manipulated!" Gilbert's glare softened a little, but he still kept a wall in between us that I needed to break through, "Roy...he made me believe that you were the one who attacked me. And that he was my boyfriend all along. I didn't remember anything, and nobody was telling me the truth, so I believed him," Gilbert was staring into my eyes now with conflict rested on his face, "I only started to remember who everyone was after you left. Anything I said to you before was what Roy told me to say," I took Gilbert's hand into mine and used the other to caress his cheek, "I'm sorry Gilbert. You always have been, and always will be my true love."

I watched as the wall crumbled down. He captured my face in his and gave me a kiss so full of emotion, and want, and so full of sparks that my knees buckled. He wrapped his arm around my waist and held me still as he continued and continued to kiss me, never wanting to pull away. 

I felt our cheeks grow wet and our lips turn salty as we both cried with happiness, cried with relief. 

He pulled his lips away but kept our foreheads connected, "You have no idea how badly I wanted to tell you how much I loved you. How I wanted to be with you while you were hurting. The doctor said it would be better to keep my distance but he was wrong," he gave me a short, tender kiss and smiled, "He was so wrong."

I lightly laughed and wrapped my arms around Gilbert's neck, "There was a spot in my heart that I knew had to be filled, and it wasn't until now that I realize it was never empty. You were always with me and my dreams tried to remind me of that."

"I love you, my Anne with an E. I really really love you."

I smiled widely, "I love you too, Gil."



The shortest chapter, the most fulfilling. You're welcome. :)

Thank you for reading!


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