caliginosity: the darkness, obscurity

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The week had been a blur, and Friday's date soon came into view. To say the least, I was nervous. Diana insisted that I stop at her house to get ready and I gratefully obliged.

"So do we know where he's taking you?" she asked while doing my makeup.

"No, he wouldn't matter how hard I pressed." I winced as she irritated my eyes with her blending brush.

"Well, at least call him to see what kind of outfit I need to put you in. It'd be embarrassing showing up to a fancy restaurant dressed in jeans and a t-shirt."

I chuckled at the thought of that and called him, putting it on speaker.

"For the last time, Shirley I'm not telling you where we're going!" he immediately said after answering.

Diana and I laughed and she answered up for me, "No need Blythe, just gotta know how casually she needs to dress."

"Oh. Whatever she wears is fine with me, she's beautiful in anything." The tops of my ears tinged red as I smiled sheepishly. I don't think I'll ever get used to his compliments.

Although I was content with his answer, Diana rolled her eyes, "That doesn't help me, lover boy. I need specifics!"

I tried to tell him that his answer was fine, but Diana shushed me and waited for his response. "I guess...something warm. It could be fancy or casual, we're not going anywhere specific."

"Finally! Thank you, Gilbert. Pick her up from my house at 7 pm."

I took the phone off of speaker-phone and put the phone up to my ear, "Sorry for Diana's bluntness. She wants this night to be perfect for us."

"As do I. I can't wait to see your face when I show you where we're going. I guarantee by the end of the night, you'll be confessing your undying love for me."

I scoffed, "Is that a challenge, Blythe?"

"If it is, it's one that I'll win," he countered back playfully.

I continued our banter, "Well, I'll offer you a counter challenge. I bet my wit and charm will sweep you off your feet so severely, you'll be practically on your knee already." 

"Already thinking about marriage, huh?" he joked.

I stuttered as he laughed on the other side of the conversation. "I've gotta go, but I'm glad I left you on such a thought. I accept your challenge, Shirley. Let's see who falls for the other first."

We said goodbye and hung up. 

Marriage...I didn't even think before it blurted out of my mouth. I shook the thought from my head and leveled myself back where I should be. First date. That's far from marriage.  

Diana bundled me up in a sweater and jeans, with an oversized jacket on top of it all.

"There are gloves in the pocket if it gets really cold, and I'll let you borrow my boots."

I looked in the mirror and nodded continently. I looked decent...not drop-dead gorgeous...but decent. I let my hair curl naturally tonight because Gilbert had mentioned one time that he liked my hair wavy. Normally, I wouldn't conform to a guy's standards, but in this instance, I agreed with him that it did look better.

Diana invited the other girls over for a sleepover, so Jane, Tilly, and Ruby came over while we waited patiently for 7 pm to arrive.

"Hey guys, next time you should invite Josie over," I mentioned.

They stared at me bewilderedly and laughed, "Why would we do that?! She's always so nasty and rude, especially to you."

"I know, but we all used to be friends with her, why can't we be friends again?"

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