"You Will Be Found"

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*louis waits outside the apartment rocking back and forth fiddling with his short yet lanky fingers getting them caught between each other and his hoodie. He listens for noises and hears foot steps Coming closer. They stop. A click noise comes from the door. The door opens in a slow but swift motion showing a boy with Tarzan like hair which is wet along with his face from the little droplets dripping down onto it. His cheeks are stained with tears and his eyes are bloodshot. His eyes.. are emerald green. Like a forest of trees during the dawn of day. Bright and dim. Pink, plump and swollen lips with bite marks from gnawing down on it as habit. The boys teeth appear from his mouth and bite his lip nervously, ironic. His  voice is shaky and so deep. Wait he spoke. Louis blinks a little and comes back into reality*

Louis:oops *nervous chuckle*

Boy:h-hi.. can I help you..?

Louis:*stands up straighter realizing how tall the boy really is* um... I'm your downstairs neighbour and I got a little worried.. you seemed to be in a lot of pain and... *rubs the back of his neck* scared. The girl was screaming a lot at you and-

Boy:*he cuts Louis off* I'm fine. Thank you though...

Louis:*lets his eyes travel around the boy, they eventually stop at the exposed and pale forearm showing a large gash with the word "FAGGOT" cut into the skin*

Boy:* He follows Louis eyes and looks at his arm and quickly pulls down his sleeve looking down sadly*

Louis:*looks behind the fragile boy at the gloomy flat which is a complete mess. (Worse than his flat) louis clears his throat* I Uh forgot to introduce myself. I'm Louis Tomlinson. *puts out his hand to shake and looks the boy dead in the eye*

Boy:*shakily grabs Louis hand and looks back at him weakly* Harry Styles...

Louis:*feels a small smile work into his face* beautiful name. *walks a little closer and whispers to harry* I hear the things going on in this flat... I know they aren't good.. you aren't safe..

Harry: you don't know what you're talking about... I'm happy here. I'm okay.

Louis:yet you still aren't safe. Please come with me... you can stay with me for a few days.. you need to be away from her.

Harry: I'm fine where I am... my girlfriend loves me. She would do nothing to hurt me. She just gets mad..

Louis:you have bruises everywhere.. from what I can see. *lifts his hand and caresses Harry's bruises jaw* you're not okay. You need to be somewhere.. she isn't for a while.

Harry:*whispers* if I do that.. she will find me and- *shakes his head* I can't. It may not be safe here but it isn't safe anywhere for me.

Louis:I know how it feels to be unsafe everywhere you go.. believe me. I've been in your situation just not.. this particular way.. just come with me. I won't hurt you.

*harry thinks about it for a little while, wondering why this man is trying to help him. No one has ever done this other than Niall. He needed a break but he knew he would get worse when he got back. But he deserved to be away from the monster of a girlfriend he has for a few days. Harry nodded and moved Louis hands. He walked further into the flat and stepped into his and Julia's bedroom, he grabbed a backpack and quietly started packing clothes, everything he needed, Harry tip toed into the bathroom grabbing his toiletries and rushing back out to the front door, slipping on his jacket and his boots*

Harry:I-I trust you... don't make me regret this please

Louis:okay.. *steps back and lets Harry walk out of the flat and lock the door, Louis takes his hand and leads him to the elevator pressing the down button* i know I'm a stranger and this is a little creepy but.. Me and my roommate hear you guys fight ever night and tonight was bad... so I decided that you needed to be helped. *steps into the elevator with Harry right on his tail*

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