"The Smoke In The Air"

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•I'm gonna try a different way of doing the talking. I got it from the author of "confessions of a gay Disney prince" go read the book it's so good❤️


*Louis and zayn are sat on the ledge of their balcony extended from their shared flat in New York City as they moved here from London after getting a job offer to become a self-owned business in the tattoo shop a few blocks away. They had just come back from a long shift at the shop with bitchy customers, they lit up some blunts and decided to chill for the night taking in where they have come*

Zayn: y' know I never imagined that we would ever make it to New York... We're just little boys from Donny and Bradford... now we've made it big..! *leans back looking at the sky as he puffs out smoke*

Louis: do you ever shut up? *annoyed getting slightly high* we live in a shitty city in the states, in a small flat as tattoo artists.. this is not what I would've dreamed as when I was younger. *takes a drag and keeps the smoke in his mouth for a few seconds before breathing out*

Zayn: we still made it here asshole.. at least we aren't stuck like Liam in a fucking strip club. *shoves Louis lightly, Louis grabs into zayn's shirt as he almost falls off the edge of the balcony* sorry Sorry fuck *laughs harder taking the blunt from Louis's hands*

Louis: *groans* such a prick you know that? *a loud shatter gets Louis attention from upstairs* shit that sounded expensive *shakes his head*

Zayn: I swear those people always fight. I hear them every fucking night. *starts mimicking them in a high pitched voice* you don't know how to do anything do you? *changed his pitch to a deep voice* I-I'm sorry baby I'll make it up to you.. *female voice again* damn right you will. *stops mimicking them* and then they have sex or some shit.

Louis: the girl is always wor- *gets interrupted by the girl screaming loudly, Louis clears his throat* worst.

Zayn: ear rape let me tell you. Trying to get laid and all you hear is yelling and screaming. They need to get their shit together.

Louis:*intrigued* who is she usually yelling at? *looking up at the window with the light illuminating through the red curtains*

Zayn: people tell me she has a boyfriend.. *flicks the blunt out of his fingers and lets it fall to the street* don't know how he stays with her.. *hears a loud whimper then more yelling*

Louis:*mumbles* maybe he doesn't have a choice...

Zayn: what?

Louis: never mind..I'm going to sleep.. *swings his legs around the wall and jumps back onto the floor, Louis walks back into the apartment and walks to his room dragging his fingers along the wallpaper trying to stop himself from feeling pained, letting himself be directed into his room* fuck stop feeling bad. He's just a wimp! *Louis smacks his head and walks out of his room grabbing the trash bag* SHIT ZAYN THE TRASH IS OVERFLOWED! YOU WER- for fuck sakes.. *rubs his temple and yells again* ZAYN IM TAKING OUT THE TRASH

Zayn: okay don't kill yourself! Don't get too scared puss in boots.

Louis: THAT WAS ONE- forget it you raccoon. *walks out of the flat and down to the trash chute ;) humming mr.brightside* Mmm mm mmmm *laughs at himself and shakes his head, hears light footsteps coming from behind him, looks behind him to see a boy with shoulder lengths hair that covers his face with his head down* mm.. *opens the door to the trash chute room and lets the boy go in first, the boy leaves the room quickly without a thank you* hey! *the boy turns around to face Louis looking up from the ground making his long hair leave his face* manners? Maybe?

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