"The Broken Prince"

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*Harry is walking home in the fall breeze rubbing his scarred arm wincing in pain every time he slightly touches his cuts. Looking around he spots many groups of men drunk or high stumbling down the street eying him up and down making him feel like a slut. Harry wrapped his jacket looser around his body but still zipped up tight and started walking faster to his dreaded flat building. Harry saw his building come into sight and took larger steps and ran up and into the doors, he walked into the elevator shaft and pressed floor 6. He waited and waited gently tracing his cuts on his arms getting more nervous for Julia's state. The elevator dinged and the doors opened letting Harry walk out and go to his flat door. He took a deep breath and unlocked the door walking in and closing it behind him*

Harry: I'm home. *he kicked off his shoes and took off his jacket setting it on the coat hook*

Julia:*walks down the hall leading to the bedrooms and leans on the doorway of the living room facing harry* welcome home baby *she sets down her wine glass on the shelf beside the doorway and slowly took off her robe slowly revealing herself as naked*

Harry:*looks away and shakes his head* Julia maybe tomorrow I'm super tired right now...I just want to go to bed and rest:

Julia: do you not love me anymore?! *pulls on her robe and ties it up putting her hands forcefully on her hips*

Harry: you know I love you

Julia; good you dirty little faggot. I'm finally fixing you. Now I want you naked on our bed in 30 seconds.

Harry:*looks down and shakes his head* not tonight please baby.. *sees Julia is getting frustrated and started making her way closer* princess please don't do this I just want to rest

Julia: are you saying no to me? You little sin. I'm trying to help you here! *grips Harry's arm right on his cuts making harry yelp in pain* now you listen to me. You will go to our room, strip down and sit on your knees on the floor at the foot of our bed waiting for me. *tightens her grip digging her nails into his cuts starting to reopen them*

Harry:*screams in pain and feels tears threaten their way to his eyes* Julia please don't do this

Julia:*screams* DO YOU HEAR ME YOU SLUT?!! *slaps Harry across the face with her free hand*

Harry:*starting to cry* y-yes... *just wants to get out of her grip* yes baby.. *Julia lets go and lets Harry run to their room slamming the door shut* fuck! *pulls up his sleeve letting the blood spew onto the carpet feeling a large stinging pain shoot up his body* ow! *runs to the bathroom and turns on the tap running his arm under the water crying a lot*


Harry:*dabs his cuts dry with a towel and slowly takes off his shirt balling his eyes out slowly whispering to himself* I'm okay.. *sobs into his shirt before dropping it onto the stained floors, he slowly undid he pants and shuffled them off his body trying to calm his breathing. Harry looked in the mirror and saw his foundation slowing rubbing off from the moisture from his tears making the bruises much more prominent. He grabs a hand towel and wipes off all of the makeup and looks at the black and blue bruises* god.. *hears the bedroom door open so he rushes out of the bathroom and sits on the carpet not wanting to get hurt*

Julia: baby *sits on the bed in front of him and wipes his tears* you know I'm doing this out of love. I love you so much... Baby look at me. *harry doesn't turn to face her* Harry. *still doesn't move so she grabs his chin and makes him look at her* I said look at me. *gripping hard on his chiselled jaw digging her
Nails into the skin*

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