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idek what I'm doing like i don't have time to start a new story but like mcr is back and i watched lotms and wtf i feel like im back in middle school im fangirling again im a fucking college student obsessed with mcr again like i was over them but look at this they just pulled me right back in

anyways this is a kinda shitty beginning but i'll probably post chapter one soon but thats all i have written i have nothing prepared i just wanted to post this even tho no one even reads my stuff anymore really


"Gerard, you have to stop," Frank said. "I can't just sit around and watch you keep doing this to yourself. You need an intervention, you need rehab."

"You can't tell me what to do," I slurred.

"You're a senior in high school, you know how much trouble you're going to get into if your parents caught you?" He asked.

"Doesn't matter?" I asked.

"You snorted coke, Gerard," he stated. "It does matter. I'm not going to let you do this to yourself, that shit is bad for you."

I pushed him away, walking up the stairs of the basement.


"Whatever," I interrupted. "You can't tell me how to live my life. Just because you're my boyfriend doesn't mean you can control me."

"I'm not controlling you," he said as he followed. "I'm just looking out for you."

"I never asked you to!" I shouted. "I want you out of my life, okay? We are through!"

"Gerard? What's wrong with you?" Mikey asked from the kitchen.

I stormed out of the house into the night.

"Gerard, you need to get inside right now before someone sees you and realizes you're off your fucking rockers," Frank said. "You still have coke on your nose."

I stormed out into the road when a pair of headlights seemed to come out of nowhere and I stood frozen in spot as it came at me. 

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