prologue: the new exchange student

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{A/n that's you on the picture above in this story}
3rd person pov
Currently at a school called kouh academy, once was a all girls school turned coed there stands a figure standing at the front gate everyone stops and notices him some of the people look at him strangely. He has long black hair with a red band tied around his forehead he looks around with his ice cold blue eyes he has three feathers in his hair a single braid with 3 different colored beads. Under his eyes is 3 upside down triangles conected. On his waist is a tomahawk. He stares at the students who are gawking at him because of what he's wearing some of the girls are drooling at his abs this man is y/n l/n of the Makoto tribe. As he walks looking at the strange paled face girls staring at him. He doesn't notice two girls quickly walking up to him.    Mr.l/n please don't wander I do not want you to be lost said sona the student body president. Hm, this place is not how it was described pale one . Can you tell me why those women are looking at me strangely y/. Says with a tilt of his head.

Sona's pov
I look towards the transfer student that the government had sent here for the young Makoto clansmen to learn things outside of his tribes teachings. That is because of the way you dress also here it is considered an insult to call someone besides there name I say as I watch him turn around. I feel my cheeks heat up as I notice his muscled figure. Hm, a thing I shall remember sona right he says getting a little closer to my face. I blush as I look in his ice blue eyes. I hear tsubuaki clear her throat I turn towards her and see her blushing as well. Well show me which room I shall learn in sona of the student contcil y/n says with a small smile. I get dazed by him as he looks at me grinning.

Your pov
As sona and I walk through the hallways I look towards the  classroom that sona stops in front of. She opens the door and walks in I fallow her in the room. I watch as the class stops talking as the teacher notices us. Ah, sona what is going on the silver haired women says. Well  ms  roseweis , I'm here to explain are new transfer student. Before you ask I have to be here for the reason the u,s  and Japanese governments have put him in this school to expand this transfer students knowledge as he only knows things from his tribe we would be the school to show him different things . He is the last living member of the Makoto tribe. Before you learn anything from here as I said before he dose not know much so I am asking the girls to make sure none of the guys in this school take away his inasence sona says before walking out passing me I walk in front of the class and look towards the other students I see the girls faces turning red on the cheeks. Alright please introduce yourself please ms roseweis says. Hm, my name is y/n l/n of the Makoto tribe,  I've come to learn of things here. My ansestors guide me through this I say while looking at everyone. Alright will you please sit next to anko please ms roseweis says I  nod as I walk to a black haired girl and sit next to her I face forward as the teacher starts to teach.

As the bell rings I get up and walk to the door and head out of the room I walk outside of the school and sit on under the shade of a tree as I lean back I notice 3 guys running from a group of girls with kendo sticks. I look at them weirdly, hm the games In this land is weird I say out loud. "Haha, there not playing a game those boys peeped on the girls as they were changing they got caught" I hear a girl say. I turn my head and see a small white haired girl with a black cat clip in her hair she smiles at me. Hm, who are you white cat I say. Her face turns red for some reason. My name is koneko tujo, if I may ask why did you call me white cat when says tilting her head cutely. Well you have white hair and seem like a cat and the spirits say you are a cat I say looking at her seriously. It must be your spirit animal I say to her. She looks at me weirdly for a second before nodding. That might be it but may I ask how do you like it here so far I heard about you from some of the girls of this school by the way she says calmly. This land is weird, I get weird looks from the female population is this a tradition in this country for the face of the women to turn red I ask her. Koneko looks at me for a second, when you were raised did you not learn of mating koneko asks weirdly. Yes but I just learned how to mate I did here about the courting process. Dose this mean that girls turning red is apart of the courting I ask getting closer to her face while staring at her brown eyes. Her face turns red again, well yes and no when a girls face turns red it's happened because of either 2 things the first they are embarrassed the other is the fact they like what they seen or heard koneko says. I move away from her, I see so dose that mean that you are embarrassed or do you want to mate I ask with a smile while winking at her. I watch as blood falls out of her nose. She holds her nose and then gets up running in embarrassment. As she leaves my facade drops. Hm, there seems to be a high amount of devil's here. But this is sad koneko doesn't remember me hm that is actually a pretty good thing but it is also insulting I say to myself. I feel someone staring at me I face towards a abandoned building and see a red haired girl staring at me smiling I turn my head  away from her and smirk hm the gremory heir.

Rias pov
I'm currently playing a game of chest with anko as I'm playing I feel koneko presence outside the building. I look out the window and see her talking to a long black haired male with 3 feathers in his hair he's wearing some type of brown shirt that cover only his back and arms. I watch as koneko runs while holding her bleeding nose while blushing. Anko do you know who that guy is he just somehow managed to make koneko run away blushing I say. Ara ara that sounds interesting she says while looking out the window then blushes. Oh its him, well that hot boy right there is y/n l/n he just transfered here and was. Introduced by sona herself the Japanese and USA governments had decided to work together to make sure he learns things outside of his tribes teachings. He is currently the last living member of the Makoto tribe anko says while rubbing her legs together with a red face. So I take it you like him as well I say with a hint of humor in my voice. Yes, and I'm probably not the only one either you see he doesn't know much so he is kinda oblivious to girls and when we met he came close to my face as I looked into his icy blue eyes. It was almost like we were going to kiss before he pulled away she says moaning at the end. I watch as anko gains a rape face. I sigh at my queens antics we have an interesting exchange student it seems I say to myself.

Your pov
As school ends I wait at the gate for my I'm waiting I see some of the girls in school staring at me. I snap out of my thoughts as I hear my name. Y/n, so how was school did you like it here or what I here a familiar voice say. I turn and see a woman wearing a black suit and a skirt.she has blond hair and a large bust. She also has a goofy grin this women is luna. Finally you are here old lady I say while hiding a smile. Hey brat I'm not old I'm only 21 years old she says lying out of her ass. Whatever you say why did you make me come to this awful place it was better in the USA in death valley. Here I can't practice my tribes traditional teachings I say while scowlingat her as we walk to her car. She sighs y/n your 16 years old and was by yourself alone in one of the hottest deserts in the United States she says as we are sitting in the car. I get mad at that, and who's fault is that exactly it's you Americans but not just you USA citizens your ansestors and not to mention the 3 great factions, he'll if I had a choice I wouldn't be near any of you but you people will just not leave me alone I yell angrily. I stare out the window as we sit in silence. I hear her sigh sadly, y/n I know you want nothing to do with me as I'm a fallen angel tasked by the leaders of the factions to watch you but it isn't healthy to shut everyone out huh y/n please try she says with hope. I get angry, SHUT UP, I DON'T CARE ABOUT WHAT ANYONE ELSE WANTS my goal is to stay away from any of the people of your factions. I wouldn't have cared as much if you people didn't send me to a school filled with devil's I say huffing angrily.  Y/n you have your old childhood friend here I thought you would be ok with this school Luna says quietly. Why, she is now a devil which means she and I cannot be friends anymore
I told you I want no connections with anyone from the 3 factions that includes old friends as well. I might not want revenge right now but like I said if I couldI would go back to the time before I met you I say while opening the door of the car that stopped. As I walk to the door ignoring luna I feel a tear fall. I quickly go to my room and look the door I sit in cris cross and close my eyes and calm my breathing. As I'm finish I lay back in my bed and let darkness consume me.

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