chapter 3

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Your pov
Really so when I threaten a child of one of the factions it's considered a gastly act. Are you really that conseated or are you just plain retarded. You people of the factions killed everyone in my tribe from pregnant women ,to children you killed my elders even people younger than me. Yet you question if I was better than to threaten a child what fantasy world are you living in I only have my own goals. I have long since closed my only goal is in darkness I say.

OK kid we will give you all of your tribes artifacts on the condition you stay going to this school paticularly azazel says with a smile. You have a deal but I have a counter condition. If I'm to stay at this school I want to live on my own and will not be bothered by any of the people of the factions. This includes shiva memnun she is to stay away from me I say. Well we need someoneto watch you so luna is to stay with you Michael says calmly. Well I guess that is ok long as she stops with that facade she must stop acting like she's fallen for me I say stoicly. WHAT!!! I haven't been acting luna says flustered.

I get mad, DO NOT LIE TO ME. I am not a fool if I have to be watched I'd rather it be by someone who won't act near me I says stoicly. Luna tears up and everyone looks at her with pity in there eyes. Well who would you want to watch you Azazel says seriously losing his playful smirk.

I look around the room looking for someone with hattred in there eyes and look towards the only person who has it out in the open aneko.

I point towards her, she is the only one not lying to themselves in this room. I can see the hate in her eyes I say while relighting the blunt. I take a huge hit and inhale the smoke then exhale slowly blowing the smoke out towards aneko.

They look shocked by the blunt I have In my hand. You are not allowed to smoke in here sona says comandingly. Well I'm going to anyway like I told that bimbo the only way I can speak with you factions is if I'm two blunts high I say blowing smoke in her face.

Well lord azazel can I go to this school Luna says not looking towards me. He sighs before looking at her before nodding his head. Well if that was all you wanted then I'mgoing home I'm sure by the time I get there the artifacts are there also luna come get your things I say while walking to the door.
Koneko's pov
I watch as y/no leaves while flicking us off. I sigh in annoyance, I turn to luna who is being comforted by aneko. Well that went well Michael says nervously. I want to know what's that guys problem he cares for nothing and no one isse says angrily. Azazel sighs, kid just listen ok that man has issues and we can't do anything about it hell you saw what happened between luna and y/n I've never met someone so distrustful in my long life and I have met Cain the first killer he says rubbing the back of his neck. What about you koneko you knew him before all this right Rias Says bringing everyone's attention to me. I sigh, I'm going to say this from the very beginning there is no one like y/n he was born differently than the people of his tribe I've heard stories of his acomplishments. He is one of a kind he was the strongest when he was 10 years of age I say. I bet I can beat him in a punch isse says   smugly. I laugh at that, you and him are leagues apart you are a pervert who can't focus on anything.  Y/n on the other hand is a man of focus sheer will it was told he killed an army of strays with his bare hands . Sheer will that is his strongest aspect witch is something that you isse know little about. But there are things about him that I wish wasn't there for one is his trust issues he would die before he trust any of us the factions fall under the long list of things he will never trust I say. Unlike myself he holds anger towards the people who killed his people I say. I tear up, he will probably never trust me again and I know why to. He was freinds with my sister also so when the devil's had killed my race for what she did I'm sure his hate grew so when he saw me as a devil that's all I am to him another devil. I'm sure my sister will visit him like she did me and he will be happy to see her I feared this would happen I say sobbing. I feel arms around me and look up to see aneko smiling calmly while luna looks determined behind her. Hey calm down while I'm with him I'll try to get him to open up to you again. Though I don't know why you 2 fell for him he stomped on both of your feelings for him why love someone like that aneko questions. I sigh I can't explain it but you will see as you spend time with him even if he doesn't talk to you it will be shown to you I say while smiling.
Your pov
I'm currently sitting on my bed looking at the relics of my tribe I see a  guitar that my aunt had given me I tune it and start to play my favorite song

I set my guitar down when I hear a knock on the front door. I calmly walk to the door and open it I see luna  with aneko bother looking at me with different looks on there faces.

Aneko is glaring at me iratated and luna has puffy eyes like she's been crying. "Grab your stuff and leave quickly, as for the bimbo your room is her old room don't bother me I'm going to my room" I say stoicly before walking to my room.

Aneko's pov

I watch as noah leaves camly towards his room I turn towards luna who is crying for the fourth time sine we headed here. I hug her trying to calm her down.

We walk to her old room and I help her pack. "Aneko I know you probably are going to have a hard time here but please help him open up o still love him" she says with tears in her eyes.

I nod firmly at her she smiles before vanishing in a magic circle. I sigh in annoyance and begin to unpack. As I finish I lay down relaxing before I close my eyes

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2020 ⏰

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