chapter 1: the Makoto warrior

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Lunas pov(After you got out of the car)
I watch as y/n gets out of the car angrily. I feel tears on my cheeks, I know about his dislike of the factions but I thought he would have warmed up to me by now. It's really hurtful listening to the words he said he wishes we never met. I know when koneko his ex freind remembers who he is she will be hurted by his thought process right now. I was gaining feelings for y/n but it hurts me badly about what he said. It reminds me of how we met I was with the three leaders of the factions. Azazel, shirzects, and Michael

My lord why did you bring me here I ask Azazel calmly. I watch as he sighs we have agreed that when we capture the last Makoto tribe member you will be his guardian until he choses a faction to join Azazel says seriously. As we walk through the desert we talk about the things that will happen should we meet the Makoto tribe member.

We are snapped out of the conversation as a spear is sent flying at me as I close my eyes waiting for pain I notice Azazel in front of me holding the spear. Y/n l/n please come our we only want to talk to you Michael says calmly.

FUCK OFF an angry voice yells.  Azazel sighs, kid just show yourself  so this can end quickly he says annoyed. At first it seems he was ignored before I watch a hot male walk out of the shadows. What would the leaders of the great factions want with the last living member of a tribe they killed off he says annoyed by the current situation.

We would like for you to come with us this young lady shall watch over you till you choose a faction to join Michael says with a smile.

We look towards y/n who's eyes are shadowed, hahaha you people are nothing more than idiots as I will never join any of your factions. First of all you are heratics by my tribes teachings and I HATE EVERY ANGEL EVERY DEVIL EVERY FALLEN, if I hate all of you why would I join any of you y/n says seething at us.

We'll your coming anyway if you want the relics of your people you will fallow us the current lucifer says. Y/n stops before bending down and start punching the ground angrily, I promise you heathens if I get the chance I'll scalp you like my ansestors did to people before me y/n says darkly

Flashback ends

Lunas pov
I walk in the house and go to the room area I state at y/n's door for a while before I feel tears sliding down my cheek. I walk to my room and lay down relaxing. I slowly start gaining determination to get y/n to open upto me. I fall asleep, letting darkness consume me. I dream of y/n, he is chanting in his native tounge as he does that I notice three glowing figures showing up in front of him.

The first is a green colored dire wolf the size of a normal sized bear. Next to it is and elder bear as big as a house on all fours colored white with a glow to it. And the last is a midnight black crow with red eyes it's the size of an a bull dog. Great spirits, I beg you to lend me your strength as you have my ansestors before me. Train me to be the greatest Makoto warrior y/n says while bowing in respect. Young Makoton warrior we shall agree as you are the last of your tribe. The other guardian spirits of the rival clans have also decided to help as they don't have people to train to fallow the traditional teachings of the tribes.

We the spirits, have decided that you must become powerful we will also have you learn things of outsiders who have earned your great grandfather nightwolf a ruff voice from the wolf spirit says. Y/n looks shocked, my grandfather's respect was earned by outsiders how is that so they must be powerful or wise as that was the only way to gain the respect of the Makoton tribe a law set by my grandfather y/n says excited. We do have a term for this a soft female voice comes from the bear. Little cub, you must never join the great factions you must in order to keep this promise gain the tattoos of us that symbolises this oath she says. Yes mother bear I will do it, I will take this oath y/n says with no hesitation at all.

You know the chant, complete it and absorb us gain everything from the spirits. We will train you in your mind a stern female voice comes from the crow. Y/n bows before starting a chant. Ukat uomi da kho Yun fast bbyat iki so fomo da resto HA! Y/n finishes his chants and the spirits fade into y/n. I wake up to y/n screaming in pain. I get up quickly and run out of my room. I burst into y/n's room and see y/n's siting in a medative position. I see smoke coming off his chest back and arm. I watch in horror as tattoos of the bear apears on his back a wolf and his arm is a crow. As they finish forming y/n's passes out. I run to his side and check on him.

I sigh in relief, I press a button that calls a meeting between the leaders of the factions. I head to the living room I see 3 different colored magic circles aper on the floor before I see 2 people step out of the red one showing serafall leviathan and surzeichs lucifer. On the gold circle Michael and Gabriel walk out and the last one is
Azazel who walks out camly. Luna why did you call us exactly Azazel says seriously. I sigh and tell them about the dream an find the new tattoos of y/n.

Wow this makes things complacated the main reason why we had you watch him is so he would get attached to you the current lucifer says. That's the thing I thought he had warmed up to me. You have no idea how much it hurt for someone I fell for to say he hates everything that's has happened.

Not that long ago he said it would have been better if we never met if he got to stay in that desert he is here only to get his tribes artifacts nothing else I say with tears building up.

Gabriel looks at me sadly before walking towards me and glumping me in a hug. Hey its all right, he is just a meanie don't worry about a thing I'm sure it will work out she says while patting my head.

We should at least make a deal were he works with us we give him all his tribes belongings and pay him and he does jobs for us Michael says smiling.

The other leaders nod in agreement to Michael's idea. So luna explain the situation to y/n. Also I want you to let him know that I will let my sister know who, and what he is ok the current lucifer says with a shit eating grin.

I nod at him, they all leave by stepping through a magic circle. I sigh to myself, this just got a whole lot more difficult I think to myself. I walk back to my room and lay down relaxing. I slowly close my eyes letting darkness consume me as I fall asleep.

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