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„thanks mom but would you be so kind and let me read the script first of all?"

„of course! call me if you need me!!"

„thanks mommy"

he gave her a kiss on the cheek and with that angela left the room.

jack was laying on his bed all day long reading the script.

but there was one thing he couldn't know. wyatt didn't know it either.

finn wolfhard was going to audition for the role of liams love interest

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finn was getting ready for a walk. he put on some jeans and a sweater. a casual look for him.

he was walking out the door when his phone started buzzing and so he looked at it


he picked it up. "finn wolfhard here. who is this?"

"hello finn, this is steven spielberg the famous filmmaker"

finn didn't believe it. he really didn't. "is this a joke?" finn asked. "why should i be joking?" it was really him. "mr. spielberg it's a huge honor" he sat down on a bench in the park.

"i want you in my next movie." spielberg said

"a-are you serious? me? that's.. that's amazing! i'm speechless. thank you sir, thank you"

mr. spielberg laughed a little trough the phone and then said "the script should be in your letter box. you can send me your auditioning video per e-mail" he gave him his e-mail and with a thanks and goodbye he hung up.
finn couldn't believe what just happened. was this real? why would he want him? why him?

he immediately went back to his house and looked in the letter box. there was a bunch of papers with the writing on it:

steven spielbergs



luca carter

that was the name of the role finn was going to audition for. he was excited. so excited.
he was reading his script and then realized that luca was gay. and the name of his love interest was: liam smith

"that'll be interesting" he said to himself.

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jack had already finished his auditioning video. he was sitting in front of his computer and was about to click on the: "send" button. he was nervous and scared. he was scared that it wasn't good enough. that he wasn't good enough. his mom expected this kind of actions of jack so she came in the room leaned over jacks shoulder and clicked the "send" button.

"you're welcome" she said smiling. "i'm scared mom... what if i'm not good enough?"
"jack are you serious?! you're the most talented boy i know!! he could never reject you"

"thanks mom" and with that she left jack alone in his room again. he collapsed on his bed and was starring at the ceiling.

he remembered wyatt... and his other friends. sophia, chosen, jaeden, jeremy and...


he had a different feeling when he thought about finn. something happened between them. something he never told anyone, not even his mama.
he suddenly had that feeling in his stomach. could it be...? could it be butterflies? no! no that's impossible.

is it possible?

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i hope you're enjoying your holidays and this story of course ; ) i wanted to let y'all know that i can't post announcements and i can't reply to your messages. so if there's something you want to tell me, just write it down in here
- sophia <3

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