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finn didn't really sleep too... he had to think about what jack said. all the time.
and so he heard jack talking

"jack? are you okay?" finn quietly asked
"s-stop!" jack said still sleeping "jack?"
for finns surprise jack suddenly started crying, but he was still asleep
"it's okay... it's okay jack" finn pulled jack closer and hugged him. he put his hand on jack's head

jack was digging his head in finns pajama shirt "shhh, shhh it's okay" finn said over and over until jack stopped crying. but he didn't ask why he was crying.

they fell asleep hugging each other

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it was about 9 am now and jack definitely didn't get enough sleep. neither did finn

they were all still sleeping when they heard a knock at the door. no one woke up so the person kept on knocking every 2 minutes until wyatt finally woke up

"huh?" he said while opening the door. he was standing there with his way too big pajama on and his hair was all messy. he was yawning and rubbing his eyes

"good morning wyatt, could you please wake everyone up. i need u downstairs in 10 minutes" steven was standing at the other side of the door

"yeah, sure" wyatt said and steven walked away again

first wyatt went into sophia, chosen and jeremy's room "wakeee uuuup!! you've had enough sleep!!" he said. chosen woke up straight away but sophia and jeremy just yawned "your turn. make them wake up" wyatt said to chosen who was already getting dressed.

then wyatt left and knocked on finn and jack's door "guys i'm coming in! just warning you. so uh... make sure you're not doing uhh... you know... stuff" he slowly opened the door with his hand in front of his eyes

finn was already awake and looked very annoyed after what wyatt said "shut up. you're not funny, okay?" finn said sitting up in his bed "woah somebody got up with the wrong foot" wyatt said

"huh, what's wrong?" jack said yawning and slowly sitting up too "steven needs all of us downstairs in 10 minutes" wyatt then said "we'll be there" finn said falling back into the bed. wyatt left again

"uh, jack... wanna talk about what happened?... you know today at night" finn asked jack "not really... it was noting tho.. just a stupid nightmare" jack answered "oh okay... if you say so" they both got ready. jack was wearing a light pink hoodie and black sweatpants. finn was wearing a black tee shirt which was maybe a little too big for him but he didn't seem to care and some casual jeans

they all went downstairs to eat breakfast "good morning kids. today will be very interesting" mr. spielberg came in "good morning. what are we gonna do today?" sophia asked with a bright smile on her face

"oh, just some exercises for you to get in your roles. did all of you read the script?"
mr. spielberg said "not the whole thing but most of it" jack said "well, you should read all of it. it'll help you to get in character. i'll give you 15 minutes to get ready for the exercises. just go to the big hall on the 3rd floor" and with that steven left

the kids were looking at each other and then started walking to the elevator to get to the 3rd floor. when they arrived in the hall steven was already there and of course everyone was wondering how he was so fast but no one asked.

"have/ take a seat please" and with that everyone sat down on one of the chairs which were standing in a circle "so your first exercise might be a little tricky... you'll have to get in pairs. 2 people each group please. okay so, you'll have to portrait each other" sophia looked at chosen and they both started giggling because they knew this was gonna be a huge mess

sophia and chosen are very good friends. no one knew if it has always been like that but no one asked.

"so i guess we'll portrait each other sophia" chosen said smiling at sophia "sure!! it'll be fun" she replied giggling

"jeremy, you could portrait jaeden and jaeden portraits me and i portrait you. only if you guys want to of course" wyatt said. he did that on purpose because he realized that finn and jack hid from each other lately. so he wanted them to portrait each other so that they can talk about everything that happened

wyatt is such an amazing and super supportive friend and the others are very lucky to have him

jack and finn looked at each other but as soon as they made eye contact, they looked away again "okay so finn and jack would it be okay if you'll portrait each other?" steven asked the two boys. jack shrugged "i'm not a good artist" he then said "but that's not what this exercise is about jack. it's about finding each other again. after all these years. it's about coming on the same wavelength. so enjoy kids!!" and so steven left the teenagers alone in the room.

in the room were a few big canvases and brushes

while the others already started drawing finn and jack just sat there and didn't say a word or move. it stayed like that until sophia finally ended their endless silence "guys stop fighting and start drawing!!" she said "what do you mean, we're not fighting?" jack said. he knew that something wasn't right between the  but he didn't want to be the one who started taking about it. he'd just wait for finn to mention it

after sophia's words finn took a brush and sat in front of the canvas "don't move" he said and so jack sat down on a chair in front of him

while all the others were giggling and taking jack and finn stayed quiet

it took finn about one and a half hour to finish the painting but the result surprised everyone

"done" he said and jack moved a little closer to finn so that he could see the painting "wo- finn where did you learn how to draw so good?" jack asked with his mouth wide open

he didn't expect it to turn out so good. it looked very realistic and finn drew every detail. jack's freckles. jack's eyes. even the sparkle in his eyes

"this is amazing" jack said "hm" finn shrugged "i don't know. not my best" "are you kidding?? don't tell me there are other drawings that are as good as this. or even better" jack said

finn smiled

and that was something that made jack very, very happy.

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it has been so long since i last updated this book. it's because of school, and i had a writers block. also the school i auditioned for didn't take me... hello, another 3 years of hell. i hate the school i currently am. i hate the kids there. i hate the teachers. i hate everything about it. also i don't feel comfortable being myself there... plus i have no one to talk to. so i'm alone all day. yey!! well, i've got holidays rn. and i'm rlly happy to have a break from all the stress
- sophia <3

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