{REQUEST} | (Male) YouTube x (Male) Facebook

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So here is the request:

(So here we go!! A little something, yet again, I'm just trying something

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(So here we go!! A little something, yet again, I'm just trying something... I hope you enjoy!)


YouTube was sat down at his desk, doing the usual. He hated work. It was all he ever did, and he rarely got anytime to spend with his friends.

Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat..

It felt like years since he had last seen those guys.

Then, the door opened. It had been shut for so long, whomever was opening it had to push with a lot of energy.

"Jeez! How long has that been shut?" Groaned a familiar voice. YT recognised who it was immediately.

"Facebook!! Your here??" He called. Yep, none other than Facebook came around the corner. "Hi," he said, leaning hard onto the door to get it shut.

"Why did you come? You know I'm busy!" YouTube said, as FB finally got the door shut. YT came and gave the app a hug.

"Hey! I came to check on you. You know... it's been ages since we've last spoke, so.." FB explained, as he hugged YT back.

"Ok, then. Wanna go out to the park or something??" YouTube asked.
"Aren't you busy with work?"
"Eh, I can do it later."

Later on, the two headed to park, not quite hand in hand, but close enough that their hands were touching.

"Where's Instagram and Twitter? You know, those guys?" YT asked. Facebook looked at the red app and smiled "It's just you and me today. Snapchat and Instagram are busy doing other things.."
"And Twitter's with Tumblr and Reddit?"

The two laughed, and eventually came to a stop at a bench. "It rare to get sunny days around here. It's always so cloudy," Facebook sighed, as YT learned on him.

(Sorry! It's so short! I just.. wanted to get it finished! Also I know it's early but Happy New Year everyone !! 😊😊)

(Also hope you enjoyed it)

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