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AURORA WOKE UP BRIGHT AND early, repeating the same routine she had since she was twelve.

Aurora woke up earlier than usual, wanting to walk with Ricky to discuss their plan on how to win Nini back. She sped down the stairs, making the least amount of noise she could. Aurora entered her kitchen only having her aunt there.

"Morning, Rory" Bekah greeted sipping her coffee, "why are you up so early" she then asked setting the mug down. "Oh, just meeting someone" Aurora kept discreet taking an Her daily fruit from a bowl.

"Is it the neighbour" Bekah smirked causing Aurora to choke on her Apple, "h-how do you know?".

"I heard you guys talking last night" she shrugged turning around while holding her mug, Aurora internally groaned leaving her home.

"Have a nice day with your new boy toy"Auntie Bex shouted out to the girl who groaned aloud as she closed her door.

Aurora headed next door, stepping on their porch. She hesitated to knock but insisted on the action. The girl stood there in silence, waiting for someone to answer. The door unlocked revealing a middle aged man, supposedly Ricky's father.

"Hello, um. Is Ricky home?" She asked politely with Mr Bowen nodding his head, "yeah, he's upstairs getting ready" the man answered. "Don't I remember you from somewhere?" He continued before a lightbulb clicked in his head, "Rory?" Mr Bowen guessed with Aurora nodding. "Little Rory, wow, your all grown up now" Mr Bowen went in for a hug, which aurora obliged. Still standing outside, she heard Mr Bowen's voice again. "Why don't you come in and wait for him. I'm sure he won't be that long" he smiled letting the girl in.

Aurora entered, scanning all the furniture. The house never changed, the same furniture, same couch, there was even chipped vase courtesy of Ricky and Aurora's antics when they were six.

Aurora stood by the door, eyeing the stairs waiting for the boy to come down, she rocked back and forth on her feet. "So, are you the girl Ricky was talking to last night?" Mr Bowen spoke up making Aurora blush, "it wasn't like you guys were being discreet" he sipped his mug as Aurora stayed quiet, her cheeks still a bit pink.

"How long has it been, what, eight years?" Mr Bowen questioned with Aurora nodding, "it's really been that long" he continued with a long sigh.

"I remember it was just yesterday when you, Ricky and Amber were running around this house and sliding down these stairs, the memory made her laugh lightly. "After you left for New York, Ricky wouldn't stop talking about you" Aurora's eyes widened, pink crawling up her cheeks once again. "Yeah, Ricky was basically in" Mr Bowen was stopped by the sound of Ricky rushing downstairs.

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