Chapter 1 - Encounter

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Zhan POV

Eight years.. All these years I feel so happy when I see him every morning.. It all started when I was at twelve.. I thought it's just an attraction but day by day it changed...I won't miss a chance to see him.. Zhou Cheng calls me an idiot.. May be I'm really an idiot.. My crush even don't know my presence.. And he is out of my imagination... He is so perfect, so handsome and hot and also a billionaire.. But I'm okay with who I am.. I know he won't feel the same but seeing him everyday in a distance.. That's enough for me... He even reject many proposals from many students and I'm also a boy how can he fall in love with me..

'Good morning zhan... Keep smiling.. This day will be your best.. Stay safe..' I looked at the mirror and said to myself.. I have no one to say this to me in this lonely house.. I sighed and took my backpack...

Hai.. I'm Sean Xiao Zhan.. 20 years old.. Studying arts and music in Beijing University.. There is nothing more interesting in my life except my three friends and my beloved sisters.. My two sisters Jiang Yanli and Wen Qing who supports me and love me a lot though they are not blood related.. And my three besties Zhou Cheng and yubin and also Huai Sang.. Huai sang is my college friend but A Cheng and A bin are my partners in crime from my hi school.. And my crush Wang Yibo.. That's the main reason I attend this college..

I walked on the sideways when I noticed a rabbit in the middle of the road.. Cute.. But why its walking in the middle of the road.. Its dangerous.. I showed my left hand to the vehicles to slow down and took the rabbit.. 'Its really dangerous for you.. Why are you in the middle of the road..' I placed it on the opposite side of the road.. I saw blood taints on his legs.. 'Y-you are hurt..' I carried it again and looked around..

I saw a pet clinic near the drug store so I took him inside the hospital.. 'Nothing serious.. Its just a little scratch..' The doctor said.. After getting treated I looked around the hospital.. I can't take him with me.. Because I'm so busy in college and my part time work.. I sighed and placed him on the sideways near the road.. 'Don't get hurt little one.. Stay safe..' I caressed its soft hair.. He hopped into the garden...I smiled and started to walk to my college..

I was attacked by my two friends when I entered into the college.. 'Leave him guys.. You are going to choke him to death..' Yubin tried to pull me away from them.. 'Of course we won't..' Huai sang said..

Suddenly we heard many squeals.. I know who is it.. 'Handsome..' Like always.. 'Come on.. It's late for our class..' Zhou Cheng pulled me to the class.. My eyes didn't leave him until we took a turn.. Did he notice my letters of course not I'm just one of his fanboy..

'Zhan.. Today it's your delivery job.. Don't forget it..' Zhou Cheng said.. I nodded my head.. Soon the students arrived and fills up the seats..

'Okay students today we are going to study about some important facts about wolves..' I sighed a little..

'A Cheng do you beleive in werewolves..' He looked at me with wide eyes.. 'If its real I want to see it.. I heard many stories about werewolves.. Will they really change into a normal human...' He shook his head.. I pouts at him and started to listen the lecture...

Huai Sang and I have almost same class.. So he accompanied me a lot other then A Cheng and Yu Bin.. 'Zhan.. Are you free today shall we go to the nearby club..' I shook my head.. 'Ah..why? I think A Cheng and yu bin are free..'

'Its my duty today.. So I can't..' Before I completes the sentence I bumped on a strong chest.. Damn that hurts.. I rubbed my forehead and tilt my head to look at who it is.. My breath hitched when his eyes pierced mine.. I can't say anything I clutched my backpack tightly..

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