Chapter 7 - I think I have an idea

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Skylars Pov:

I sat on the couch waiting for Noelle to come back.

After like an hour I heard the front door open and close.I jumped of the couch and run to the door.

When I saw her I run to her and hugged her tightly.She froze for a second before wrapping her arms around my waist.

"I was so worried.I thought something happened to you."I said with a shaky voice.

"I'm sorry..I drove around and stopped at a park and sat there on a bench for a while."she whispered while rubbing my back.

"I'm so sorry about Jackson.After you left Dad talked to him.Maybe he'll stop."I said softly and she snorted.

"He'll never stop."she replied and buries her head in the crock of my neck.

"He will.And if he doesn't I'll kill him."I told and she chuckled.

I pulled away and cupped her cheeks softly.I wiped her tears away and then caressed her cheeks.She closed her eyes and leans under my touch.

"Noelle you're back!"I heard dad behind us and I quickly let her cheeks go and step away from her.

He walked over to us and hugged her shortly."Where were you?"he asked when he pulled away.

"I was driving with my longboard."she responded.

"Okay..I'm just glad you're back."he said and she gave him a short smile before walking upstairs.

"Was she always like this?"I asked dad and he lookes at me confused."So..self-contained?"I continued.

"She always was a quiet girl which never shows her feelings.She can be loud and crazy with really close people but she never found the person."he answered with a sad voice.

"But she's like this after what happened at home with her mom and sisters.."he added.

"What happened?"I asked and he sighed.

"I don't really know either.She refused to talk to me about that and her mother was so angry that she didn't even talked about it.She just shouted stuff like 'Yes go with him!No one wants you here!' or 'Just go with him!Less one problem!'.Not only her mother screamed stuff like that.Her sisters did that too."he told me and looked down.

"That's horrible!They can't say something like that!"I said angrily while tears streamed down my face.

Dad walked over to me and hugged me."I'm happy that you care about her.You two got pretty close the last two days."he said and I smiled.

" feels like I know her for weeks and not for just two days."I replied and he pulled away.

"You should go upstairs too.It's pretty late."he said and I nodded.

I walked upstairs in my room and saw that Noelle is already sleeping.

She suddenly started shaking and mumble thinks."No..No..No..No!"

I run over her and shaked her until she's awake.She quickly sat up and breaths heavily.She's sweating and her hands are shaking.

I sat down in front of her and cupped her cheeks."Hey..everything is okay..I'm here.."I whispered softly and she pulled me into a tight hug.

"I dreamed about the night.."she couldn't finish her sentence because she started crying.

I rubbed her back and whispered." don't have to be scared're here now..with me."

She buried her head in my neck and I could feel her tears on my skin."Every night I have nightmares about that night.The nightmares just don't go away.I sleep less then 5 hours per night because of them."she told me and you could hear how tired she is.

"I think I have an idea."I said softly and she pulled away and looked up to me.

"Last night when you laid next to me you slept peacefully."I started and she blushed."You're going to sleep with me in the bed."I said and her eyes widened.

I quickly took her hand and her face softened again."And if that doesn't work we find another way to keep your nightmares away,okay?"I told her and she nodded.

We stand up and laid down in my bed,facing each other.I slowly brought my hand on her cheek and caressed her softly.

"Just close your eyes..I can see how tired you are."I whispered softly and she scooted closer to me and buried her head in the crock of my neck.

I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her head."Good night Noelle"I whispered and she kissed my neck.

Holy shit!Did she just kissed my neck?That doesn't make my crush go way easily.

Yes I have a crush on her.I wasn't really sure but now I know for sure that I like her.

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