Chapter 32 - Will you marry me?

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Noelle's Pov:

Today is Sky's birthday which first I'm going to meet her family and then propose to her.

Sky's still sleeping sleeping and I'm about to wake her because in two hours her relatives are coming and she has to eat breakfast before then.

I walked upstairs and carefully opened the door.I slowly walked over to her and crouched down in front of her.

"Wakey wakey beautiful."I said softly and brushed the hair which is on her face away.

She then slowly opened her eyes and when she saw me she gave me a crooked smile.

"Good morning."she mumbled while taking my hand in hers and the snuggled her face in the back of my hand.

"Happy birthday baby."I whispered and kissed her forehead.

"Thank you."She whispered back and then kissed my hand.

"I don't want to ruin your cute moring moments but should get up and eat something.Your family is coming in nearly two hours."I told her and she groaned while turning away from me.

"I made pancakes."I whispered in her ear and she quickly turned back to me.

"I love you."she said with a big smile.

"I love you more."I said and she scoffed.

"No..I love you more."she said and I smirked.

"I love you more."I said and she snorted before grabbing my hand and pulling me down on top of her.

"I love you m-"I quickly cut her of with my lips.

I then sat up on her abdomen and smiled down at her."Come on honey."I sat and then got of her.

She then sat up and rubbed her eyes.I leaned down and softly kissed her lips.

I then grabbed her hand and we walked downstairs together.


Sky's family is going to be here in any minute and I'm so fuckin' nervous!

My outfit

Skylars outfit

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Skylars outfit

Sky and I are sitting on the couch and I'm wiggling my leg because of nervousness

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Sky and I are sitting on the couch and I'm wiggling my leg because of nervousness.

Sky put her hand on my thigh and gently squeezed her."Hey..everything is going go be alright."she promised with a smile.

Then suddenly the door bell ringed and I put my hands on my face."Oh goodd."I whined and Sky chuckled before standing up and walking to the door.

She greeted..who I guess are her grandparents and like aunts and uncles and they then walked into the living room.

I quickly stood up when Sky walked towards me with her grandma.

"Grandma..this is Noelle.My girlfriend."she said which made me smile.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you."her grandma said with a smile and hold her hand out for me to shake.

I took her hand and shook it."Pleasure to meet you too."I replied with a nervous smile.

"Oh..there's no reason to be nervous sweetie."she then said with a small chuckled.

But I just continued smiling nervously and Sky chuckled before cupping my left cheek with her hand and kissing my right cheek.


Now it's time for the presents and Skylar is about to open my present.

"You didn't have to buy me a present babe."she said and I shook my head with a smile.

"I wanted to."I told her and she smiled at me before opening the present.

When she opened the box she smiled widly at me before walking towards me and pulling me into a hug.

"I love it."she said when she pulled away.

I pulled my necklace out of my shirt and showed her it."I have a matching one.No matter where we are everyone will know that you're mine and I'm yours."I told her and she gave me a crooked smile before cupping my cheeks and pulling me into a kiss.

I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my hands around her waist.

When she pulled away she had this cute smile on her face which made me immediately smile too.

"Turn around.I can put her on."I said and she gave me the necklace before turning around.

I brushed her hair away from her left shoulder and put her on.I kissed her exposed shoulder for a couple of times before completely pulling away.

"I've never seen Skylar so much smiling  before."her grandma commented which made me smile widly.

"Well what can I say?I'm just really happy."Sky said and turned back to me.

"You make me happy."she whispered while wrapping her arms around my neck.

"You make me happy too."I said with a smile and leaned forward and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"I um..can you come outside with me?"I asked nervously and she gave me an worried look.

"Nothing bad."I told her with a chuckle and she nodded with a smile while pulling away.

I took her hand and intertwined our fingers and then walked towards the door which leads into the garden.

I glanced at dad and he gave me two thumbs up which made me smile.

I've only told dad about the proposal because I want it to be a surprise for the others too.

When we walked outside I stopped in the middle of the garden and stepped in front of Sky.

I'm still holding her hand and looked down."I love you Skylar.I love you so much that my heart would probably die if we would be separated for a few days.Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me.You showed me what true love is..when you can't stop thinking about this person and you always smile when you see her.Your my favourite person in the whole world..and no matter what came between us nothing stopped us..because I don't want to live my life without my one true love."I said and she had tears in her eyes.

I then got the ring box out of my pocket and hide her behind my back.

"And yeah..maybe we're too young for this but I know exactly with who I want to spend the rest of my life together.And that's with you."I said with a big smile which made her smile too and she wipes her tears away.

I then hold the box in front and kneeled down which made her gasp.

"Skylar Millers..will you marry me?"I asked with a nervous smile.

She puts her hands in front of her mouth and you could literally feel her smiling.

She then pulled her hands away to show a big smile."I would love to."She said and I quickly stood up.

"Really?"I asked with a big smile and she nodded.

I then pulled her into a tight hug and couldn't help but cry too.

I pulled away and got her ring out of the box with shaky hands.I took her left hand and put her ring on.

She then hugged me again and buried her head in my shoulder."I love you so so much."she whispered which made me smile.

"I love you too Sky."I told her and kissed her head.

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