Chapter 28 - Should I go on?

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Noelle's Pov:

I opened my eyes and realized what happened.Sky and I made love to each other yesterday.

I looked down at her naked body and smiled.

So..this is how it feels to be completely happy.

I turned to my side so I could caress her cheek better.

She then slowly opened her eyes and smiled at me."Good morning."she said and buried her head in my chest.

"Good morning beautiful."I said and wrapped my one arm around her.

"So..yesterday wasn't a dream?"She asked and I chuckled."No it wasn't."I replied and kissed her head.

She then lifted her head and kissed me softly.We pulled away because someone is knocking on our door.

We quickly pulled the duvet so over us that you couldn't see any skin.

Then the door opened and Jackson peeked in."Good morning.How was your night?"he asked with a smirk and we blushed.

"You and dad didn't hear you because their bedroom is downstairs but my bedroom is right next to yours."he said and Sky's flustered.

I carefully turned around so I could better talk to him."Jackson can y-"I stopped talking when Sky hands cupped my breast from behind.

I bite my lip to not let a moan out and Sky just giggled.

"Jup..I'm going..bye."Jackson said and walked out.

As soon as Jackson walked out I let out a moan.Sky started kissing and sucking on my neck and I continued moaning.

"Don't do it again!"Yelled Jackson from outside,making Sky stop and me chuckle.

"Hey you want to go to the park today?"I asked and she smiled at me.

"Sure why not?"she replied,making me smile too.

" know..the woman I've met there some weeks ago is maybe there."I stared and she smirked.

"You want her to meet me?"she asked and I nodded.

"Well I want to show her that I got my girl."I told her and she chuckled.

"Um..I think we better get dressed before mom or dad walk in."Sky said and I nodded with a laugh.

We then stood up and she walked to the closet.I walked over to her and wrapped my hands around her waist from behind.

I kissed her shoulder a few times before laying my chin on her shoulder.

"Babee..we have to get ready."she whined and I chuckled before kissing her cheek and then pulled away.

We got dressed and then walked downstairs.

My outfit

My outfit

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