Chapter 17 - You're a good girlfriend

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Skylars Pov:

When we we're inside Noelle instantly straddled my lap and wrapped her arms around her my neck.She then buried her head in my neck and kiss him softly.

I put my arms around her and slowly drew circles on her back."Babe?"

"Yeah?"she mumbled in my neck.

"Do you want your own room at home?"I asked and she lifted her head.

She shook her head and smiled at me."No.I want to stay with you."

"Fine with me."I replied with a smile.

She then leaned in and placed her lips on mine.She licked my bottom lip asking for entrance which I gladly allowed.

I put my hand under her shirt on the back and brought my hands further up.She then quickly pulled away and I put my hands out of her shirt and placed them on her hips.

"I'm sorry."I mumbled and looked down embarrassed

"Hey..there's nothing to be sorry about."Noelle said while cupping my cheeks.

"B..but I made you uncomfortable and..a"I started rambling so she cut me of with a kiss.

"Don't be sorry.Really it's fine."she said and I sighed.

"Okay."I replied.

Then suddenly someone knocked on the window and when I looked at it I saw Jackson.He mentioned with his head to the others,showing us that they're coming.

Noelle got up from my lap and sat down next to me.


We're at home now and Noelle didn't feel well so she's already in bed while we're eating dinner.

"How's Noelle?"dad ask and then took a sip of his water.

"I don't really know.She had a headache and didn't had much voice anymore.I think she got the cold."I answered and he nodded.

"Is she sleeping now?"he asked and I shrugged.

"I think so."I replied.Well more I hope.

"In the past few days I thought a lot about finally cleaning the attic for Noelles room a-"dad started but I cut him of.

"Elle and I talked about this earlier and she wants to stay in my room."I said and he smiled.

"You two got pretty close the past week."mom commented and I blushed.

I glanced over to Jackson and he tried to hold his laugh.

"Yeah."I replied and looked down with a smile.

"Mom,dad can I ask you something?"I asked nervously and they nodded.

"The parents of a friend of mine divorced a few months ago and his dad found someone new.My friend lives with his dad and now his new girlfriend and her daughter."I started and then look back up."And he fell in love with the daughter.He asked me for a tipp because they're together now and want to tell their parents but are too scared because what if they tell them to break up or that it's wrong or something."I continued.

Well I'm obviously not talking about a friend.I'm talking about me and Noelle.

"Do they love each other?"dad asked and I nodded.

"Skylar do yoy want to tell us something?"dad asked and I don't know why but I started crying.

"I..I'm sorry.."I stuttered and put my head in my hands."I..I."I was about to say something but dad cut me of.

"It's fine."he said with a warm smile.

I lifted my head and smiled at him widly."Really?!"I asked and they nodded.

"I love you guys so much!"I exclaimed and stood up."I uh..I'm going to check on Elle."I quickly said and walked up.

I slowly opened the door and looked inside to see Noelle sleeping in my bed.She cuddles with the teddy I bought her on our first date that we had a few days ago.

I walked over to her and kneeled down in front of her.I brushed her hair away that's on her face and gently caressed her cheek.

She then slowly opened her eyes but just a little bit and she smiled when she saw me."Hello beautiful."her voice cracked at the end.Aww my baby is so sick.

I kissed her forehead and she gave me a crooked smile."I have to tell you something."I said and she raised an eyebrow.

"Well um..I told mom and dad about us.."I said and she sat up and looked at me with wide eyes.

"Everything is okay.They're okay with it."I told her and she nodded.

"That means I can kiss you everytime I want."I said and leaned closer but she stopped me.

"I don't want you to get sick."she said and I kissed her cheek.

"Do you want anything?"I asked and she asked if I can make her an tea.

I walked back downstairs and walked into the kitchen.While I waited for the tea I walked in the living room and sat down on the couch next to dad.

"How is she?"he asked.

"Well I kinda woke her up but she's fine.She doesn't have much voice and she still has an headache.I'm making her an tea right now and get her some medicine for her headache."I told him and he smiles at me.

"You're a good girlfriend."he said and I couldn't help but smile.

I smiled at him before going back in the kitchen to get Noelles tea.I walked back upstairs and carefully opened her door and walked in.

She's laying on my bed and when she saw me she slowly sat up."Thank you."she said when I handed her the tea.

I put her medicine on the nightstand and then sat down next to her."Are you tired?"I asked her and she nodded.

She then placed the tea on the nightstand and laid back down."Just close your eyes babe."I whispered ans stroke her forehead.

"But I won't sleep long without you."she said and pouted.

"Okay I sleep with you."I told her and laid down next to her.

She cuddled into my side and put her head on my chest.I wrapped my arms around her and soon fell asleep.

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