Chapter 22 - I can see the way you look at each other

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Noelles Pov:

Well lets just say our little kiss got a little out of control..

Skylar is laying with her back on my bed and I'm sitting on her abdomen kissing her.

I grabbed the bottom of her shirt and pulled it over her head.

I kissed down her jaw and then kissed and sucked on her neck so that there definitely will be a few hickeys.

Skylar was about to take of my shirt when suddenly the door opens.

"Hey guys are you coming?"Jackson asked while walking in.

"Oh my god!"he yelled and I jumped of Skylar and she quickly sat up and throws her shirt back on.

"Seriously guys.."Jackson said and laughed.

"I caught you doing the same a few weeks ago so shut up."I said and he blushed.

I looked back at Sky and her cheeks are in a deep red shade and she's avoiding eye contact with me and Jackson.

I grabbed Sky's hand causing her to look up at me."Baby can you already go in the living room?I have to talk to Jackson."I asked and she nodded.

She gave me a kiss on the cheek before walking out.

"So..what do you wanna talk about?"he asked and I sat down on my bed.

"When are you going to out yourself?I'm not saying you have to.You just feel more free."I said and he sat down next to me.

"You don't have to out yourself in front of everyone but I can say you being out in front of your family is really good.You can kiss,hold Nate's hand or cuddled up with him when we're at home.I know it's stupid for me to say that because most of my family doesn't know I like girls but your family knows and I mean..they're my family too.And you can see that they don't have a problem with that so you don't have to be worried about not being accepted in your family.If your friends doesn't support you then they're not your friends.But..just that you know..I will always accept you."I told him and he smiled at me.

"Thanks Noelle.I'll think about it."he said then surprisingly hugged me."And thank you for supporting me."he added and I smiled.

"Always brother."I said and he chuckled."I like that."he replied and then pulled away.

"We probably should go back in the living room."I said and he nodded.

"Does someone miss her girl?"he tease and I pouted."Yes!"I said and quickly walked out.

We walked back in the living room and I saw Skylar sitting on the couch with Mia.They were talking and laughing with each other.I couldn't help but smile at the sight and walked over to them and laid down next to Sky.

"Hi you two.What'cha doing?"I asked and Mia smiled widly at me.

Skylar puts her hand on my thigh and patted her while saying."We talked about you."she said and gave me a charming smile.

"About what?"I asked and she smirked at me.

"Well..just how cute you look in different situations."she said and I tilted my head and frowned.

"Just like now."she said with a giggle and pinched my nose.

"You two are silly."Mia said chuckling and we just shrugged.

Sky then laid down too and put her hand on my stomach.Mia then laid down between us and Sky lifted her arm and laid it over Mias stomach and then on mine.I took her hand and starter playing with her fingers.

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