Keep It On |Michael Clifford|

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Keep It On |Michael Clifford|

Michael was staring at me from across the room; I could feel his gaze burning into the side of my head, and then raking slowly down my body to my toes and back up again. Turning my head to meet his gaze, he averted his eyes back to the TV my brother and Ashton were playing COD on, with Calum seated beside him. When I looked away again, his eyes returned to me. A smirk lifted the corners of my lips, and I untangled my legs from each other, stretching them over the sofa and crossing them at the ankles. I could feel every stroke of his eyes down my legs, discreetly turning my head to watch him as he licked his lips and crossed his arms over his chest.

A blush made his face glow as his beautifully green eyes met mine. But he didn't look away, readjusting the snapback atop his head and clearing his throat, raising his eyebrows at me as my eyes darted over every aspect of his face. I wondered what it looked like with his lips parted, and soft moans pouring out between them. They were so red and plump and inviting. I swung my legs over the side of the sofa, pulling my pyjama shorts which were actually boxers down to cover most of my thighs. His eyes followed my every move as I walked around the back of the sofa he and Calum were seated on. He rolled his head back to look at me properly as I slipped past him and towards my bedroom, my soft footballs echoing off the walls.He appeared at my bedroom door not even minutes later, his eyes scouring the room for me and his tongue dipping out to wet his lips as he spotted me on my bed, the covers pulled up to my chin. Almost immediately, he slid under the duvet, his chest pressed against my back and his arm enveloping my waist.

His breath was heavy on my neck, fanning across my collarbones as he ran his fingertips across my hipbones, pulling me closer. Nuzzling into my neck, he pressed sloppy kisses to the skin, making my breath hitch in my throat and my heart stutter in my chest. "Michael..." I trailed off, rolling my body over and pushing him away a little, trying to ignore the hurt expression on his face. His lips seemed so red, my eyes focusing on them as he licked them for what felt like the fiftieth time tonight. The hurt look on his face was washed away as I trailed my fingertips down his chest, playing with the hem of his Metallica shirt before dipping my fingers under it. His eyelashes fluttered and his cheeks flushed, looking down at my hand as it disappeared under his shirt. "Sit up." I withdrew my hand, and he quickly obeyed, pressing his back against my headboard and his hands instantly coming to rest on my thighs as I swung my leg over his. "Close your eyes." I fiddled with the hem of his shirt again, and he took a shaky breath, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as he swallowed. I dipped my head down to put my lips to his ear. "Imagine my lips," I started, brushing them against the skin below his ear. "Painted red," Placing little kisses to his throat, I revelled in the sounds of his breathing becoming shallow in my ear. "Wrapped around your cock." His grip tightened on the flesh of my thighs, pushing me forward and back so I was rocking against him, his thumbs pressing into my skin in a vice-like grip. A groan tore through his chest, dragging his teeth against my jugular before biting down, swiping his tongue across the wound. Pushing him back by the chest, I tugged at his shirt, careful not to knock off his snapback and dropping the material to the floor beside my bed. He reached up to pull off the hat, but I stopped him, gripping his fingers."Leave it on." He nodded, almost too enthusiastically pulling my sweater over my head and leaving me in nothing but a pair of boxers.

Instantly leaving forward to litter sloppy kisses all over my chest, he gently rolled his hips off the bed, the rough denim of his jeans rubbing against the insides of my thighs. It made me think about how his coarse stubble would feel between my legs. A sigh fell from my lips, my fingers fighting for a grip on his back as he sucked love bites on my breasts."Fuck." He mumbled into my skin, pulling back to look at the purple marks his lips had left behind. "Luke is gonna murder me." I smirked down at him, lifting his chin and catching his plump lips between mine. And fuck, did he know how to use his lips. They moved softly against mine, his hands roaming up and down my waist and back to my thighs, continuing to rock me against him, evoking moans from the both of us. The room seemed to have heated up in the last few minutes, our bodies hot and rough against each other's.

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