Ready |Luke Hemmings|

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Ready |Luke Hemmings|

Being around Luke was always overwhelming. From his scent to his laugh and his looks, there was something about him that always left your head spinning. Kisses shared between the both of you were intoxicating and experiences together constantly thrilling. Despite how close and comfortable Luke and you had gotten in the seven months of your relationship, there was one thing lacking. Sexual intimacy was not something you had yet shared with Luke and for good reason. You had always told yourself from the moment you were old enough to know what sex was that you'd save yourself for someone worth it. Your virginity was something you wanted to lose to someone who you knew would stick around and care for you.

Your boyfriend, however, was not a virgin and you were aware. Luke had been understanding with your want to wait and never once pressured you into anything you weren't fully comfortable doing. The few guys you'd been with before hadn't been as patient as Luke which, more times than not, caused the relationship to fall apart quickly. Unlike many, Luke found your pureness to be adorable and even arousing. The thought of one day being the one who takes away something as precious for you as your virginity excited him. In the early stages of your relationship, whenever you'd think of giving yourself to Luke, you always imagined it being quite far away in the future if the relationship were to last. Sex was not something you craved or necessarily wanted at the time, but things had been changing for you lately. You found yourself staring more whenever Luke was without a shirt and getting slightly disappointed if he chose to sleep with pants on during your nights spent at his place. It was more and more common for you to imagine his body on top of yours and your lust to see his bare skin was growing stronger each moment you were around him. You finally told yourself that you were ready. You knew that these feelings were only growing stronger and Luke had gone above and beyond to prove that he was staying around.

It was a Saturday night when you decided to initiate it. Luke had gotten his own place not too long before which made it much easier for you to not worry that a family member would walk in during the intimate moment. Coming back from the bathroom where you'd gone to assure yourself that you looked acceptable for what was about to come, you took a seat on Luke's lap trying your best to not let your nerves show through. "Babe?" You spoke up, Luke's eyes darting down to you to acknowledge that he had heard you "Mmh?" At this point, your fingers were tangled with his, thumb rubbing against his knuckles. "I've been thinking a lot lately about us," you paused, your boyfriend's face contorted slightly with confusion. You looked down at your hands, almost embarrassed to look him in the eyes when you told him at last that you wanted to give yourself to him. "I'm ready," you squeaked out "to have sex... with you." You elaborated a bit more in case the man hadn't fully understood. "Are you sure?" You could easily detect the excitement in his voice but at the same time he kept his tone very soft, as if he was scared that if he spoke too loudly, you'd change your mind. You built up the courage to look at him and nodded as confirmation, watching as the smile on his face grew into a smirk.

"Okay." His face inched closer to yours and you wasted no time in closing the gap between your lips and his. As cheesy as it might have seemed, the kiss was slightly different than the other ones you'd shared. His lips were pressed a little more firmly against yours, allowing himself to get carried away since he was aware that something would happen next. He didn't need to control himself anymore. He could feel you the way he wanted and let the thought of you naked fully consume him. His hands moved down your body to rest on your hips, disappearing under the oversized tee you were wearing. His thumbs gently massaged the skin as his tongue glided over your bottom lip. His actions were familiar to you, but you couldn't help but be thrilled by the feeling of his lips on yours. Kissing had always been something Luke was great at. From the way he started off gentle then became rougher with time to the feeling of his cold piercing pressed against your mouth. It took you a lot to break out of the trance he'd put you in with just that touch, parting your lips from his. "Can we move to your bedroom? I don't want my first time to be on a couch." Your words came out more rushed than you'd hoped. You could feel the bulge in Luke's pants becoming more prominent against your ass and the place between your legs burning with desire. Now that this was all happening, you could barely control yourself.

With a nod, your boyfriend stood up with your legs still around him, supporting your weight with his hands under your bum. Your head dipped down to his neck, a trail of pecks being left all the way to his color bone. A slight groan released from Luke's mouth and you were set down on top of his bed. His tall frame stood at the foot of the bed, staring down at you. You weren't too sure what to do at this point. Should you make a move or wait for the one with experience to do it? Thankfully the boy took charge, lowering himself on top of you, arms supporting him by your head. Your body immediately tensed when his hands found their way back under your shirt, this time lifting it up to reveal your black bra. The material was pulled over your head, discarded over the edge of the bed. "Relax, babe." Luke broke the silence between the both of you, allowing his head to travel down your body, lips pressing against your chest then stomach as he moved down. You took in his words and let loose slightly, his callused fingers going behind your back to unclip your bra. Your eyes stayed on him, watching as his gaze grew darker when the material was pulled off your chest, tongue wetting his bottom lip as he stared at your exposed breasts. Luke had always been a boobs guy. Whenever he got the chance to stand behind you, he was more likely than not to end up with his hands cupping your boobs and you giggling, telling him to stop, but secretly wanting him to continue. It was a part of you that he couldn't resist. His mouth moved to hover over your right breast, left hand already kneading at your other one. Your eyes fluttered shut, the pleasure already increasing with just this action. His lips latched onto your nipple, tongue coming out to lick over it. He continued his gentle assault on your boobs, smirking every time a reaction fell from your lips before switching to the other breast. Once he was certain he'd warmed you up quite a bit, he went back to standing at the end of the mattress, shirt being tugged off quickly and his pair of jeans making their way to the floor in a pile as well. Your stare traveled down to his member still restrained in his boxer briefs, shifting your body so you were now on your knees. Luke knew what you had in mind and his disapproval was obvious when he shook his head. "No, baby. Tonight's about you. We can try that another time." He made you lay down once more, large hands going under your thighs and pulling you closer to the edge of the bed. His fingers worked quickly to undo the button of your jeans, pulling them down with your underwear following as soon as he could. His eyes studied your now naked, almost in awe. "You're so beautiful." He lowered his body and spread your legs at the same time, moving his head to have it aligned with your wet center. You took your bottom lip between your teeth, nervous as to what Luke would think seeing such an intimate part of your body. Before you could worry more, his fingers slowly spread your folds, middle finger running up your slit and stopping at your clit. Just this small action was enough to arouse you more, breath hitching in your throat. Inching his face forward, the movement he'd done with his middle finger repeated with his tongue. However, this time he worked at the bundle of nerves. His tongue flicked over it a few times before he took it between his lips, sucking gently.

You'd masturbated before, but the stimulation given from yourself to yourself wasn't nearly as pleasurable as what Luke's mouth was doing to you. His tongue moved over your folds once more and teased your entrance, nose brushing your clit. You were desperate to feel more, tangling your fingers in his perfectly styled hair, messing it up slightly. Luke started using his thumb to stimulate your clit as his tongue darted in and out of you, your back arching off the bed just to be pushed back down by the boy who was still working at your center, set on making you cum. You used your fingers entangled in his hair to bring his face even closer to your heat, feeling your orgasm slowly approaching. "Luke, I-I think I'm going to cum..." you were able to speak through your loud panting and occasional moans. The words registered in his head and he moved his thumb in faster circles, tongue ready to catch your juices when you released. A minute later, your body was shaking, Luke cleaning up every drop you released with his mouth as you desperately tried to push his head away, too sensitive to allow him to keep his head in between your legs. Your body stopped shaking when he finally decided that you'd had enough of his oral pleasure. Breathing heavily, your eyes fixed themselves on his body that was once more standing up.

"How was that, baby?" his voice was soft, almost hushed as he pressed his lips to yours before you could answer. You could taste yourself on his lips and it was a pleasantly sweet taste. "Good." was all you could answer, your lungs still trying to even out your breaths, heart still pumping fast. As much as you'd enjoyed having Luke eat you out, you still wanted your virginity taken away and that meant having him inside of you. Luke must've gotten what you were waiting for because he stood up straight after leaving a kiss on your forehead and pulled his boxer briefs down.

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