Chapter 43

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There, framed in gold are our faces and upper torsos. I am lying on top of Aden and we both have our eyes closed. The cloth under him is my least favourite bedspread. A snapshot of our happiness.

The image is hazy because it was done in watercolours

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The image is hazy because it was done in watercolours. But, goodness; it seems so much more magical in this format. I don't know why, but I know that it's significant that this picture was taken that Sunday.

I lay back on my bed, trying to think clearly, but achieve no such thing. Aden Arrington has no limits. He pulls surprise after beautiful surprise out of the bag. How can I even dare question anything about our relationship when he sends me this?

As I pull it to park it by the wall facing my bed, I peek inscriptions at the bottom.

Aden Arrington & McKenzie Da Silva

There's another on the back. At the top, there's an inscription on the wood in gold.

From Prince Arrington to Princess Pollyanna

Tears form in my eyes. Aden is so sweet. How is he so jaded and worldly yet so sensitive? I try to call him immediately, but he doesn't pick up, so I message him.

Me: I got the portrait.

I wake up the next morning to find his answer.

Aiden: Sorry Princess. Something came up.

Me: OK. Tell me when you can talk.

Aiden: I probably won't be able to today. Sorry.

Aiden: I'm so sorry I have to type this, but I really don't know what else to do right now.

Me: What?

Aiden: Wait

I only got a message twenty minutes later.

Aiden: Princess, I don't know where to begin. I have so much to say to you. I have wronged you so much in the past. It's not the first thing I want to bring up, but it's been on my mind so much lately. I can't believe what I put you through. Even though we were broken up, I still feel like I cheated on you by kissing other girls. I betrayed your trust. I ruined our first kiss out of pure selfishness and it's eating me up inside. I treated you so poorly while seeing the misery on your face in LA. I cut you out of my life as if you weren't important when I was the one who evoked your trauma. I insulted you and as much as I hate to picture it in my head, I punched you in the face. I need to mention all these things because they are as much part of our history as every lovely thing that's ever happened between us. Cutting it out would be denying the depth of our feelings for each other.

You found the grace and kindness within yourself to forgive me for the damage I did. I'm not quite sure I even deserved that, but I am grateful. But I want you to read the paragraph above one more time and decide whether those things are truly worth getting past. I (that word I can't use) you and I only want the best for you. I will respect any decision you make even if it pains me.

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