Hello, Dear

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I heard aloud car horn causing me to jump up, I looked around to see a familiar alley all around me, I saw what seemed to be hundreds of demons crowding the streets,trying to get to work on time or head to some important meeting. Although I must say I don't care much for there endeavours but I like taking mental notes of things that I can obviously already see, it's an odd habit I know.

I stopped talking to myself once I heard foot steps becoming louder than the normal foot steps of the pedestrians outside the alley, I turned to see the same smiling figure from the window when I was passing that hotel. "Hello" I mumbled nervously, his smile seemed to only get bigger showing his two rows of pointy teeth. For some odd reason i wasn't scared of him, other people would be losing their shit... but me? I was perfectly calm other than the nervousness but that happens when I meet anyone new. "Hello my dear Alastor's the name, I must say it is quite the treat meeting you face to face-" his body vanished and appeared behind me. "-instead of through a window" I jumped but not from fear it felt more like surprise.

"Oh that was you!" I exclaimed "I knew it! I knew it!" I jumped up and down, once I realized how much of a child I stopped "uh sorry I get really excited sometimes" I said rubbing the back of my neck.  "oh that's quite alright. But there is one dire question I am dying to get off my chest... what is your name? He asked he seemed relived after asking but his smile never faltered. "My name is (Yn) (Yln) I said the same way I always introduced myself but his reply caught me off guard." Oh nooo no no no my dear that simply won't be acceptable,here in hell we have a tradition where you change your name to your nickname you had when you were alive or change it to whatever you want." He said calmly. He was great at explaining things.  " so what should I change my name to? I ask confused.  "Just use a nickname you used when you were alive." He said warmly his smile is soft and not forced. "How about (nickname)" I replied

That sounds wonderful (n/n) he said, his smile widening even farther.
" have you eaten breakfast?" He questioned, looking a little worried "oh um no but it's okay I'll be fine" I responded trying to sound convincing, when is suddenly a loud grumbling noise erupted from my stomach. " nonsense my dear it would be my pleasure" He said in that way parents saying they Know their right. "Okay-"
I say in defeat. "WONDERFUL!" He said throwing his hands in the air with a sigh of relief.


He's here,the king here, FINALLY!

Just another reminder that your character will not be in a romantic relationship with any of the characters in this book.
I hope you like the book so far.
I just wanted to remind you that you are loved and you are special and you are Valid don't  forget that.
Thanks for reading
Byeeee :)
                                  Your optimistic author
                                                 - Crier 

Daughter of darkness/hazbin hotel x child readerWhere stories live. Discover now