A picnic in hell

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Your p.o.v
After the whole "Bambi" situation we all collectively thought it would be a good idea to get some fresh air,
So here we were in the middle of a park having a picnic.
We were all eating pizza, no one was really talking but it wasn't awkward
It was more like everyone wanted to enjoy the food.
It reminded me of the times me and my family would go to the fields near their
Home for picnics.
For some odd reason I didn't miss my family, I wasn't sure why, maybe it was due to
me finding comfort with the other demons.
My thoughts were interrupted by a familiar deep voice.
"So, when are you going to tell them?"
The angel asked causing me to jump, Luckily I don't believe anyone saw.
"What are you doing here?" I whispered, causing vaggie to look up at me confused.
"I'm here to remind you not to get too attached." He responded coldly.
"I'm am not going to hurt them, and you can't make me."
"I'm not going make you, you already did the hard work." He said creepily with a smile,disappearing as quickly as he came.

"How about we play truth or dare?" Angel asked breaking the silence.
"Ooo I love that game!" Nifty squealed with a large smile.
Vaggie shot me a look that looked confused and spectacle of what she just saw.
Causing me to shiver.
"I'll go first, n/n truth or dare?" Angel said with a smirk.
"Dare." I say with excitement.
"I dare you to be a deer for the rest of the day." Angel with a laugh.
There was a bright light and when it vanished I was left a deer.
"This is so embarrassing" I said covering my face with my hooves.
"Aww your so small." Alastor cooed.
I rolled my eyes.
"Husk..." I say staring into his soul.
" holy s-"
"I dare you to do a magic trick." I say laying down in a position where my front two legs were crossed. With a smirk.
"Fine." He said with a sigh.
"You see this cloth?"
"Where did y-"
"Poof, now its a dove." He said as a dove flew out his palm.
"How...how did you do that? I asked getting up to my tiny hooves causing everyone to squeal.
I rolled my eyes.
"Magic." Husk said sarcastically with jazz hands.

The dove flew over to me and landed on my head. "Can we keep her?" I asked with stars in my eyes.
"Don't look at me, she's not my kid." Husk said and looked over at Alastor.
Everyone turned to look at Alastor.
"Why not?" Alastor said with a smile.
"I think I'll name her Alfredo." I said nuzzling the small dove.
I shivered,realizing how cold it was outside.
The bright light returned as I went back to normal.
I yawned as I speak my wings.
"I'm cold and tired I think imma go home." I said holding Alfredo close to my chest.
Home,I like the sound of that. I thought while flying towards the hotel.

Hey guys thanks for reading!
I hope you're having a great day so far,
And if you were confused about the whole angel thing,
I suggest going back and reading the life chapter.
I'll see you next chapter my lovely's!
                      Your optimistic author
                                 - Crier 

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