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I didn't fall asleep, and it was four am.
I gave up on trying to sleep about an hour ago.
Alfredo was fast asleep, she was curled up against the pillow.
I groaned, leaning up after reading a book from Wattpad for one and a half hours.
My soft ( favourite show) pyjamas rubbed against the blankets and pillows,
Preparing to get up out the bed.
My wings were cramped, I was thirsty and my (hair colour) hair was a mess.
I tumbled out of bed after attempting to fly out of bed.
" why me?" I muttered pinching the bridge of my nose.
I stood up, stretching my back and arms.
I stepped into the hall, trying to be quiet.
I flapped my wings, trying to get above ground.
Once I got into the air I glided down the stairs.
I tiptoed into kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water.
I opened the water and gulped the refreshing liquid.
I sighed looking at the cold water.
Then suddenly an idea came over me .
" I should go and fly outside."
I muttered to myself.
I walked over to the dark red door and turned the nob.
I flew through the door as my large black wings flapped into the air.
My wings propelled me farther and farther into the air.
I looked around, seeing many demons walking the streets.
I turned and looked up into the sky,
Seeing the beautiful swirls of reds and purples.
A little bit darker than during the day.
The stars perfectly placed to form stunning patterns.
I said grinning at the wonderful colours.
I flew, flipping and twirling in the air.
I stopped and giggled, looking in the direction of which I stopped.
I saw a small figure on the roof of the hotel,
They weren't close to the edge, but they were clearly distressed.
I flew down noticing the figure was angel dust.
I landed softly on the rooftop.
"Hey angel, are you okay?"
I said softy, siting next to angel, rubbing his back softly.
He muttered, he wasn't looking at me I could tell he was upset.
"No, why would you think that?"
"because this may or may not have happened before."
I said as my eyes darted back and forth.
He giggled at my answer.
"So, what's wrong?"
I asked warmly.
"well, sometimes...I the end..what matters? People come and leave, and you never know who you can trust.
And when they leave hurts."
He said with a sad smile.
I stood up, I had an amazing idea.
(Sung by you)
You'll love again
You just need to find someone
I reached out my hand and angel took it, standing up
(Sung by you & angel)
(Sung by you)

You'll love again
You just need to find someone
Someone who treats you better
someone who wants you around
You're gonna feel found
I sang flying into the air.

(Sung by angel)
I'll love again
I just need to find someone
Someone who treats me better
Someone who treats me better
Someone who wants me around
I'm gonna feel found

Right here
Right now
I already feel found

I smiled at him as I watched him blush.
"I didn't know you could sing, ya big softie."
I flew up, punching his shoulder.
"Pffft let's get you to sleep."
He said scooping me up in a "fluffy" embrace.

Words: 583

Hey thanks for reading😊
I was daydreaming about what my next chapter should be about and I came up with this ;)
(The song is from Steven universe the movie btw)
Ok see you next chapter
                                    Your optimistic author
                                                   - Crier 

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