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I woke up in a cold sweat.
I looked around to see light all around me.

"Hello." The angel greeted his wings radiating from the light.
"Why can't you leave me alone?"
"Because you seem to be losing sight of our goal." He said folding his wings.
" our goal is to break their hearts, not fix them."
I rolled my eyes.
" you can't help the dammed, they had their chance." He said with an  exhausted sigh.
"But I am and it's working, you just don't want to give them a chance." I raised my voice a bit out of frustration.
" I just think your a selfish, no name angel." I said crossing my arms.
"My name is Blair, I also believe you think you can help all the other useless, dangerous demons in the way of our conquest to create a bigger, better utopia." He said plainly.
"our.. our! I never wanted to be apart of any of this! I never wanted to hurt anyone! You dragged me into this, forced me to be part of your big scheme!" I screamed tears flowing out my eyes, my wings, ruffled.
" you threw me into this loving home and you expected me not to start to care about them?!, clearly you don't know how people work because, you're a monster." I yelled feeling light headed.
He put his hand on my shoulder, but it wasn't loving.

"don't touch me,Blair" I say coldly slapping his hand away.
He pulled his hand away gaping.
"I am done playing mr.nice." He said as the ground  began to shake.
A wall appeared behind me.
Blair grabbed my neck and pushed me against the wall, choking me.
"I am not going to ask you again, do your job."
Tears were falling from my eyes.

I screamed jumping up from my bed.
I immediately covered my mouth when I found out where I was.
"Doe eyes?" D- Alastor said opening the door.
"Oh I'm so sorry, I think I had I had a nightmare."
I say scratching the back of my head.
He picked me up bridal style.
Laying me down on the bed.
He snapped his fingers as a small plate of cookies appeared on my chest.
I took one cookie plate and nibbled on it.
"Thank you," I said with a raspy voice from all the screaming.
" sorry if I woke you up with all the screaming." I say embarrassed.
" it's quite all right my dear I would much rather you be safe then me getting sleep."
He said warmly with a yawn.
"Will you be alright?" He asked sounding concerned.
"Yeah I think so."
He nuzzled my cheek and started walking towards the door.
Before he closed it he said good night.
And with that I was left alone.
Blair appeared in front of me with a snarl "don't tell him anything about our little chat, understood?"
I nodded in fear before he disappeared.
Alfredo flew down from her cage and cuddled.
I felt her small body shake in fear.
"Don't worry, I won't let him hurt anyone here."
I said glaring at the spot where Blair once stood.


And with that comes the end of our one week premier marathon.
From now on chapters will be updated at least twice a week
Now with that that's out-of-the-way...
Blair is a jerk isn't  he
Like jeez
I hope you guys enjoyed that little bit of Alastor fluff at the end
It Felt refreshing to write that after all that drama
I'll see you next chapter
Bye :)
                              You're optimistic author
                                               - Crier 

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