41. First day without him

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The first morning without Jackson was a peculiar one for all, many of the little jobs around the house that Jackson did automatically without thinking about it that no one noticed he did were left undone. Everyone was late to start their day being undisturbed by Jackson who was usually awake first bustling around, swiftly followed by Nellie. Today however Nellie was last to rise for the day, she lay in her bed listening to the family much like she had done her on first morning on the farm over a year ago.

"Should I wake princess Pa? I have yet to hear any movement from her room, not even her sobs this morning."
"Leave her be Ben, Ma will see to her shortly. She needs time to adjust as do we all."
"Pa do you think she really knows the army's plans for the war, like she said?" Noah enquired
"She is innocent and naive in many ways son but she is far from brainless, I see her watching and listening often, quietly in the background. I know she asks Jack many questions, he would jest with me about the days her questions would be non stop without breath in between each one. It would not surprise me if she knew many things and simply did not know what it was she knew."
"I'll check in on Charlotte today, Donald's sister Margret and her husband Simon are moving in to the farm house with her to help with the farm and the children. At least it will ease the pressure on us Charlie, we have Nellie to think about as well as the farm. Thank goodness Simon already served his time."

"We will manage, we will more than manage my love. It will take us some time to find our stride but we will. I have faith in my boys."
"We will divide up the chores and jobs pa, you can not do many, your leg is worse these past few weeks do not think we have not noticed."
"I am sorry boys, I returned to you a cripple unable to work my own blasted farm" Charlie thumped the table frustratedly "I will find a way I can be of use. These blasted hands are a nuisance. Let us hope Jack does return in a similar state. My poor boy is so young still, at least I had lived a chunk of my life, Jack, he has barely begun. Just like the Green boys. We had only just got him back thanks to young Nellie. I was beginning to worry about him, he'd been so quiet since my return."
"Aye Charlie, I saw the sparkle return to his eyes of late. his smile returned also, that girl upstairs means the world to him Charlie, how could I have not seen that it was more than just an infatuation!" Rose shook her head "here I was organising heather to come for supper to set him up, thank heavens I found out before she came. Poor Nellie would have been devastated Charlie" the two boys chuckled agreeing, jesting with their ma that she had been blind that they had known since he returned from westtown.

"We need to make sure young Nellie is not left alone as well as tend the farm lads. Who knows what these bastards have in store over the coming weeks. she will need much support from us to get through the difficult days ahead, I do not want her retreating back to her old ways now Jack is not here. Ben, write a list we will review it together, I will take the easier tasks or assist you where I can. I have the sanction and quota papers as well as the local orders that you should read over boys, you need to learn this side of the farm now."
"I will read it to you Noah, do not worry"
"I am better Ben, I can try.....Nellie has been teaching me." He admitted shyly but with a small proud smile
"Well I never" rose smiled at her youngest who they had given up sending to school at an early age "we bagged ourselves a good one didn't we boys. No wonder your brother fell for the girl. She is as kind hearted as he was."
"Ma do not speak of him in the past tense" Charlie sighed "keep Hope my love, and don't let Nellie hear you speak of him like that, you will upset the poor lass."
"Sorry Charlie. Of course you're right. Now do you think he would like his wedding celebrations grand or understated? I need to start planning and preparing."
"He is not a lavish man my love, he is shy and reserved at the best of times but....I think he'd want to show his bride off a little, you really should have seen his face Rose. When she ran into his arms with no hesitation in front of everyone, he left a happy man my love."

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