33. I miss you

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Jackson slowed his efforts after their summer lake day, Benjamin rolled around laughing wildly at his brother when he told him he'd got a kick to the groin when he had followed his advice and gone in for a passionate kiss, it took Jackson a few days to see the funny side but he eventually came round when Nellie seemed unfazed by the event. Jackson was in the washroom attempting to shave with an injured hand that he had scruffily bandaged after slicing his palm and fingers accidentally the previous day, cursing under his breath in frustration.

"Jackson?" Nellie peered in the washroom upon hearing his angry muttering
"Sorry lass, I am taking too long this morning. Ma says I look too much like a fisherman. I am too roguish for her liking currently, I have been lazy this week and not shaved."
"Your hand still troubles you"
"Aye, it is fine just stinging like a thousand bee stings, it will be healed in a few days. These injuries are common place on a farm. I will not be long Nell."
"I beg to differ sir" Nellie stood peeking in at Jackson's hack job of a shave. He looked in the mirror sighing
"I look a mess, I should have stayed roguish for a few more days" he laughed rincing off his blade. Nellie stood contemplating her thoughts, looking at Jackson stood in nothing but a towel wrapped around his lower half she felt all a flutter at the sight. She had grown very fond of Jackson and viewed him as her special friend but since their lake day she had found herself viewing him differently, she wondered if his muscles felt soft or hard to the touch, she wondered what his hands would have felt like on her body if she had not stopped him by kicking him so harshly. She thought of their passionate kiss every night since, wondering of it's meaning and why she felt hot and breathless when she thought of it.

"Nell? Nellie? Are you alright?"
"Hmmm yes"
"You did not answer me lass, did you require something urgently? The water is still warm if you wish me step outside?"
"I require you to wear some clothes sir" she went downstairs fetching a chair and returning with it. "Immediately sir!" She snapped at Jackson who was watching her confused
"I am not done, I will need to return after you are finished in here Nell.....what is the chair for lass."
"Do I need to request a third time Jackson Lockwood!"
He put his blade down taking a towel wiping the shaving cream off of his face. "Nell...."
"You look a mess, I will not have my boys looking a mess. Clothes now! Then return."

Jackson exited the washroom confused fetching fresh clothes from his room then returning to see Nellie bustling busily past him with fresh hot water from the kettle pouring it into the bowl on the side, instructing him to sit in the chair.
"Nell my darling what are you doing?"
"Firstly we will clean and dress your hand properly so it does not get infected." She took his hand unwrapping the wound and tutting at him at the state of it "really" she shook her head at him, he smiled swallowing a laugh at his sweet girl "stop squirming you are like a small child." Nellie complained "I will fetch your pa to hold you down if you do not sit still Jackson Lockwood!" Nellie cleaned the wound with antiseptic, applying ointment and wrapping it neatly. Jackson held it up inspecting the expertly executed job she had done. Nellie bustled off again cleaning her hands and removing her dressing gown, rolling her sleeves. "You are to hold still unless you wish to loose an ear." Nellie scolded Jackson placing a towel over his chest picking up the shaving cream and brush going to place it on his chin.

"I said hold still jack!"
"Nell I do not think...."
"Charlie!" Nellie called out shaking her head with her hands on her hips
"What is it sweetheart, oh jack my boy, what's going on here?"
"He will not sit still Charlie, he is misbehaving this morning!" Nellie whined in annoyance
"I do not think that this is a good idea Pa!"
"Nellie have you done this before, I presume his hand is bothering him, I can fetch ma to do it for him."
"I know what I am doing Charlie if he sits blooming still long enough!"
"Jack sit still my boy" Charlie laughed retuning downstairs closing the door behind him.

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