Chapter 1

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"I want you 6 to guard my son"

5 alpha's stood there staring at the older alpha

"You not only want 6 FBI agents to watch over a mafia leaders son but also 6 alpha's in the same house as 1 Omega"

"Enough Daichi"

He looked at his red headed leader

"What are you actually planning"

The older alpha sat there staring at the red headed leader with a smirk "can't get anything past you huh Akashi" he leaned back in the chair

"if I'm being completely honest I have made several enemies now a days and I would like my only son to be protected plus you 6 are the top candidates to be my son's mate"

This made Akashi lean forward in his chair "so you not only want us to watch him but also have him chose between the 6 of us, interesting" he leaned back in his chair

"let's see what your son looks like"

The older alpha pulled out his wallet and handed Akashi the picture of his son who just looked at it "let me call my brother in" he then handed the picture to the others to look at

"but in the mean time you may leave".

He looked at the red headed alpha in confusion "excuse me" when he said that it made the red heads eye twitch

"I am Akashi you may not talk like that to me and I suggest you leave before I have you arrested"

Without another word he left "oh and Mister Kuroko you will here our answer here a few days" he didn't turn around just gave him a small head nod then made his way out of the office.

"What are you thinking"

Before he could answer his office door opened and another red head walked in "what was that about brother" he smirked

"the leader of the Shadows Mafia Group wants us to guard his son as well as all 6 of us being potentially mates to his son"

The alpha sat on his brothers desk "we have a picture" Akashi nodded his head "the others are looking at it" he nodded his head "ok well for now let's have Momoi gather all information on him" with a nod he grabbed the phone on his desk and dialled Momoi.

"Yes I need to to gather as much information as you can on Kuroko Tetsuya"

She answered back with a ok he hung the phone "are you guys done with the picture" the other alpha's nodded their head and handed the picture to his brother "damn he's a cutie" "hell yea he is, he's also an omega" the dark blue hair alpha answered him

1 Omega and 6 alpha'sWhere stories live. Discover now