Chapter 2 - JADE

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This promotion meant that Luckì would be introduced to Jade.
It meant that he would have the responsibility of catering to her directly.
A responsibility that would easily be misconstrued for a pleasure.
"Yes he had to talk to her, yes it's best if he kept her interested and yes she could kick him out because she was indeed a jade. Jade Star that is" says the voice in your head.
Knowing the life changing opportunity ahead and eager to become overly impressive, Luckì bought a new suit and got an updated hair style for this event. 
As the date grew closer, he, had remembered his father's charm while interacting with people. He even grew inspired from reminiscing about the romantic relationship his parents had.
Thinking to himself, "just be a gentleman, be yourself and be sure to bring your rabbit's foot."
Luckì Prince Cunningham did a great job working on Jade's Gala but the work was just beginning.  His only focus was in anticipation for the preparation necessary  to meet, woe and entertain Jade for the night.  This was a big night, not his but her night, the stunning actress' Jade Star's night.
Jade Star herself, was quite a spectacle.  Considered a goddess to most.  None the least that's how she appeared. She has talent pouring out of her pours, even out of every breath.  Dancing, singing, acting, charming and uplifting.  Jade Star, was the super star.
But, ironically  Jade felt less of a common lady.

"Star Struck"
And what do they want from me? A cinched waist, Blonde hair,
No Brown.
Pink Lips,
These Lips, whisper Sex And what was his name... The last man, I took to bed, I devoured him.
Gave him the best Undressed
Talking heads
Chatting in relation to... Who I had relations with, & what they think I am.
I'm torn-torn Apart Stitched back; Torn Again Rearranged. A Monster They Say
Should be her name
I hate to be,
Under constant Scrutiny. Unapologetically me!
I Love Myself,
Aside from this world,
My love is my wealth,
This is the eternal me."

Now, unlike  other eventful nights, this Gala was dear to Jade. It wasn't her First major event party but it fell on an anniversary. Her late mother's birthday. Jade came from a humble cultured family. The Gala was exhibited as a celebration at the peak of her career to acknowledge and revel in her successes in the entertainment industry.
The rumor was that her latest principle role is expected to win an Oscar award.  She was already a marketable person, nominated winning both an Emmy award and twice for the Grammies.  It's been said that if she won the Oscar she'd be the most sought out actress in the business.  "Talent untouchable" as it's said; the highest paid in her genre.

Jade was always a very charitable person.  Quite, a philanthropic person.  She's A true shooting star.  With a wonderful name Jade Star.  Yet she was still so very humbled and very human.   She felt differently about herself than the way her fans and supporters depicted her to be.

"A star? Or a burning ball of fire?" Jade thought.

Luckì knew this of her, in fact the world knew much of it as well.  It was no secret that she felt like a wrecking ball. Based upon her interviews and other public statements she made using social media Outlets like Twitter. And statements recorded by the likes of paparazzis like TMZ.  She voices to close ones that she thought she'd been prying the attention of others, away from those that yearned for said attention. They'd explain it was obviously unintentional just that she was a natural super talent.  She was great because she loved the arts and she loved to entertain. She just wanted people to be happy.  She felt her performances were healing, therefore she loved to perform when given the stage.

Truthfully and rightfully so, the attention she got was hers to grab.  But again, while proud of her talents and success, she didn't care to always be in the  limelight.  She wanted a balance in her life, she wanted to feel normal. Something she never truly felt.  Jade didn't want her success, fame and fortune alone. She was also concerned not to be known as a show off.
She thought of the concurrences as an inevitable accord where she was taking the spot light away from people instead of giving to the people. Not realizing how much joy entertainers bring to the entertained. Maybe there is a place in her future for politics.  No one knew her true inhibitions ate away at her conscience as much as it did.   Though her life appeared to the masses that she had the ultimate success.  Her appearance is adversely contrary to her true perception of her own paradox.  She had even grown lonely in her despair and over powered by her success like most young stars drugs were always calling.  Jade would dabble in cocaine from time to time.

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