Chapter 4 - THE GALA

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    Yet tonight, her gala event was special. It would be a ceremony for the ages! She was impressed by Wilhemena and Rogers' co's ability to secure a sacred out-of-reach location and impressed by their pertinent attention to detail. Displaying a memorial birthday segment for her late mother. With a quick moment to highlight the love and support the Stars had for her and for one another.

    Unbeknownst to her, Luckì was the agent behind the Gala's enchantment. He helped set the perfect emotional temper in the room. The mood was perfect. So much so that she was pleased, the guests were pleased, the staff was delighted to serve.  Someone or maybe even many were to find romance tonight. 

    Jade had felt with in her heart that it was her night to let go all of her anger. She thought to change her mindset. She would be super appealing from the inside and out.  This was her chance to interact and to be kind to people.  It was also important to her that she felt a strong sense of friends and family at the gala. Luckì knew this. [He had committed to extensive research On how to deliver this event for her]. To be clear, Jade wanted to feel love and she would spread love tonight.

    Luckì and Wilhelmina & Rogers co. created an atmosphere like the Titanic on land.  The "gala of dreams".  They wanted to create an action packed romantic event so that when Jade Star reflected on this night it would be her pride and joy event of her career.  They knew she could feel the love of her parents in the room and the bliss of the star studded gala. Of course Lucky thought that his tie-dye colored lucky-charm-rabbit's-foot was the sole culprit for his ability to create this event.  He was devoted to Jade and this entranced Gala so that she could get the enchanted feeling in which she sought out.

    With the presence of good spirits to warm the night, Wilhelmina & Rogers Co. helped place a magnetizing and magical, earnest energy over the room. In bliss, for the night, Jade was styled so wonderfully.  Adorned by her William Trivelli dress. ($4.6 million) She  was glowing so benevolently. She Was known for throwing every fiber of her being into her performances. She altered her posture, temperament, elocution, and more for this night.  As she took the stage she gave a eulogy for her parents, she danced for the audience and introduced her upcoming projects.   For whatever paparazzis may have snuck in, the entire room supported her continued success.  Everyone documented the night.  Stunned be it's elegance.   Onward through the evening, One couldn't help but notice the to-die-for location,  it's  draped toiletries, the expensive tableware, the real gold golden and platinum cake, the flavored deserts, flower beds, waterfalls, exotic animals,  the star studded performances, high end cars and high net worth Hollywood attendees. All present to enjoy  her star studded night celebrating and her unprecedented success at her gala with a whopping $585 million budget. 

The ambiance of a family and friend  gathering at the gala  was  Jade's  way of expressing how she felt.  That's exactly what she had needed, she reached a pinnacle of cosmic euphoria this night. She was "doing her" and doing her allowed her to feel her self again.

"I've made it now" Jade expressed over the loud speakers as she continued to host her event.

Yet she acknowledged that she still planned for more out of her career.  She vowed to continue to work hard at creating a legacy for the Star name.  She was smart knew herself well.  She knew  work wasn't all she wanted out of life.  She seemingly wanted much more stability in her life.  She felt As if she was missing the anchor to her massive ship.  The use of cocaine also created fluctuations in her esteem.  Jade want an yearned for  unconditional love. She felt she needed a partner.  But who?

Who would be fitting? {who; that wasn't already on her payroll?}
"A husband or a wife would be fitting" she thought.  A suitable partner To reaffirm the decisions she had already found to most likely. 
Male or female, Jade figured tonight would be a fine night to flirt with someone.  "Who would be so lucky?"  jade continued to think.  

One Luckì Day - Bita Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now