[1] My first pokemon

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Hey guys! So I'm so sorry but you will probably be getting pokemon in this story you may not like,,, sorry but it'll just be easier for me to write it like this,,, again I'm sorry!! Love y'all and enjoy!! 💛💛💛

"GO RIHAN! BEAT HIS ASS!!" I yelled at the tv. Currently I was watching the exhibition match between Rihan the dragon gym leader and Leon the Galar Champion.
"Y/n watch your language!" My mom yelled from the kitchen.
"Sorry ma!" I yelled back and kept watching the match before my new rotom phone went off, grabbing it I saw a message from Hop.

HOP🌟: Where the heck are you?! Leon is going to be here soon!

Oh shit, I'm late. Running I grab my mom's old bag and hat
"I gotta go I love ya ma! See you in a bit!!" I said before running out the door towards Hop's house, seeing a Wooloo tackling a fence to the
Slumbering Weald, ever since the last one busted through my mom and I made it stronger, Last time I went in there with Hop some weird stuff happened, I still think it was just a weird dream.
Getting to Hop's house I see him outside waiting for me, watching the match on his phone, he looked up and saw me and smiled.
" Hey Y/n!! You finally made it," Hop joked and I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah yeah sorry I was watching the match."
"Well we both know Leon won, Rihan hasn't won for a long time."
"Yeah true, but let's get going before Leon gets here and gets trampled," I said and Hop simply replied, we made our way down to the TrainStation to see Leon walking out, seeing all the towns folk crowd around him, Leon just happily said hello to all of them, taking pictures and signing things for people, god he can be so kind sometimes...


"Alright you two time for my present!" Leon said excitedly. Hop and I looked at each other excitedly as Leon throw out three poke balls just for three adorable pokemon to pop out.
The fire type Scorbunny jumped around the small battlefield, the grass type Grookey jumped up the tree and hit the pinap berry in the tree, while the last one, the water type Sobble jumped into the small pond, in awe I watched  them all and Leon smiled
"Alright Y/n, you get to pick first" Leon stated and the three lined up, taking I moment I was deep in thought, who should I choose? Scorbunny is an adorable bunny pokemon, fire types are pretty cool as well, but Sobble is a cute crybaby water type, I've seen it's final evolution and it's really cool! But Grookey is a grass type that is musical, music is a big thing to me... who do I choose?
After a moment, I knew I had to choose
"I choose Grookey!" I said happily, Grookey looked at me as if that had made it's entire day, excitedly it ran over to me and climbed up onto my shoulder, bonking my head lightly with it's stick before putting it back on it's head.
"Alright Y/n! Hop who do you cho-"
"Alrighty Sobble I choose you" Hop said, he was already squatting down in front of Sobble, petting it's head lightly, just for Sobble to start crying, just for everyone else to start crying as well, I guess we all forgot that Sobble's tears made others cry in almost an instant. Scorbunny seemed a little sad as it had not been Chosen by either of us but Leon went up to it and smiled.
"Looks like you'll be sticking with us, I'll take care of you and train you, Charizard will show you the ropes with out training style," Leon said and Scorbunny jumped up and down excitedly.
Now everyone had a new pokemon and Hop looked at me with a smirk, I already knew what was coming...
"Y/n! Battle me!" Hop insisted, almost begging, Letting out a sigh through a smile I went to one end of the battle field with Grookey who was already ready, but I was slightly nervous for two facts, I've never actually battled myself, I've only ever watched others battle, and Hop has two pokemon not one like me, I guess me and Grookey will just have to tough it out with Wooloo and we can beat Sobble no problem.


"Aw man!" Hop whined as he was healing his pokemon, and giving them a treat. "You two did great, good job."
"That was a fun battle," I said and Grookey has barely broke a sweat, he was a beast! I gave him a few poke treats for him to munch on while Hop's mom and my mom came out with food from the house.
"Alright everyone! Dinner time!" My mom said cheerfully.

Everyone had fun, chatting and eating, I decided to head home early with a Grookey to show him the house, though we were going to be leaving the next day on the start of our adventure. Getting to my room I set down my hat and bag, Grookey climbed around and searched around, looking at everything. Smiling I flopped onto my bed and looked at my Rotom phone to see a text from Hop

HOP🌟: Goodnight! Be ready for me to beat you in another battle tomorrow!! 😁

Giggling a bit I set my phone down and rolled over onto my back for Grookey to drop onto my stomach, lemme tell ya 11 pounds being dropped onto your stomach suddenly is not something enjoyable. Seeing Grookey curl up and fall asleep I sighed and shifted a bit to get comfy before closing my eyes, I can't wait till tomorrow.

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