{47} You stole my face

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It was the next day, and Richie was at the house alone while Eddie was meeting with Mike Wheeler. "So hows he doing?" Mike asked "Not good, he's always hot-" Mike laughed at that, "I bet you think he's hot." Eddie rolled his eyes, "God you're just like him its crazy. But anyways he's always hot and sweaty, he hears voices and screams at them, his pupils are always dilated, and he's so aware of everything. It's not him, and he's always saying stuff about how he's not a fag."

"Wow." Is all Mike could say. "So do you still want to meet him?" Eddie asked "Hold on! My boyfriend Will he's a doctor he would look at Richie. Because it really sounds like he's on Acid." "Thats what my friend Beverly kept saying." Eddie said standing up. The two boys went to get Will and then went back to Eddies house. Richie was looking out the window again, he was suppose to take his meds in five minutes. Dr. Brenner made it very clear that he had to take his meds every 14 hours. No sooner no later, so if Richie missed taking his meds he'd now he was being brainwashed. 

Eddie walked into the house Richie turned around, and almost fell out of the window. "Hey Chee can you step away from the window." Eddie said in a calm voice waling closer. "Who is that and why does he have my face? You stole my face!" Richie was yelling and almost crying. "Chee it's ok, this is Mike our friend from Hawkins." Richie seemed to calm down, "Who's with him?" "Thats Will they just wanted to meet you since you look alike." Richie nodded, "But Doctor Brenner said I shouldn't talk to people I don't already know." Richie said grabbing his pills and taking them. 

Will and Mikes face dropped, "What did you say your doctors name was?" Will asked grabbing onto Mikes arm. "Martin Brenner, he's really been helping me." Will had to leave the room for a moment while Mike and Eddie talked. "Brenner has been after my best friend El fr years thats why we left Hawkins." Mike explained trying to leave out that she had magical powers. "Why was he after her? Why is he after Richie?" "Well he was after El for reasons I can't say but I can tell you I doubt it the same reason." 

"Well how are we for sure it's not the same reason?" Eddie said getting a little annoyed. "Do you know Richies parents?" Eddie nodded, "Maggie and Wentworth." "Can they do things with their minds? Or do they have powers?" "What no? This is not a joke!" "Never said it was Eddie, I shouldn't be telling you this but El has powers and can do things with her mind which is why Brenner is after her." Mike said putting his head down. Eddie sighed and Will came back in the room and grabbed the 'Xanax.' "Hey Eddie?" Will said coming over and sitting down. "Yeah?" 

"The corner of the label is peeling." "Ok and..?" Eddie said looking around to make sure Richie wasn't doing anything stupid. "Knowing doctor Brenner he put a different label on this bottle. Meaning the real label would be under this." Mike brought his head up and looked at Will. "Then peel it." Eddie said wanting this nightmare to be over. He just wanted his Eddie back. So Will peeled the label off and saw the real one under it just like he thought he would.

"This isn't Xanax. This is LSP, also known as Acid." Will said, causing Eddie to freak the fuck out. 

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