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"Prince James!"
Cameras were flashing and the people were yelling.
Blinded by all the lights and almost deaf from all yelling, James Barnes let out a sigh of relief when his mother pulled him away.

"It's time to give your speech about Captain Steven Rogers." She said quietly, and he nodded.
There was a group of people and near the podium stood three men.
His father, the king.
The president
And Well shit-
Captain Steven Rogers.

"Focused. Concerned." He started, looking at all of the lingering eyes that were on him.
He locked eyes with Steven as he continued:
"We all heard the stories, He saved my life once" he admitted, but seeing Steven raise an eyebrow made him go red and laugh lightly.
"Twice" he corrected, looking away from steve and started talking to the crowd.

"He saved the nation, saved me.
We all want to believe in him.
But the world is slow, and our minds don't yet see the truth.
Therefore some only think of him as a fantasy, but now in which he is very much in our reality" He finished, hands clapping and whistles filled the large room.

He walked down the steps, shaking his father's hand and the president's.
Then he shook Steve's hand, the way Steve's finger grazed his hand ever so gently as he walked past was intoxicating.
And he felt as if he was about to pass out.

"did I do good?" He asked his mother, who was currently fixing his jacket and tie.
"You did fine, James." She huffed, adjusting his tie and looking at him for second.
"How did you even fail at this?" She asked, but James wasn't listening, he was watching Steven, who was laughing as he talked to James' father alongside the president.

"He's not that virtuous, you know." He mother said quietly.
He looked back at her.
"No one is."  She says as she walked away, leaving him alone.

He quickly looked over, seeing Steve walking towards him.
"I answer to you, sir." He told him.
"Well you look beautiful." He said, blue eyes boring into his soul.
"Sir.....?" James asked quietly.
Steve began walking towards him and James' face turned into a pale frown.

"He aims to drag you down" she had said.


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