T h r e e

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Bucky was quick to crawl backwards away from Steve, who was slowly approaching him.

"S-stevie-" he whimpered as Steve got to the bed and pulled on his hair so he came to him, he moaned again.
"Close your eyes." He said.
James hesitantly closed his eyes as was gently placed back down onto the bed and bit his lip lightly

Steve adjusted his tie as he walked out of the room again, leaving Bucky to open his eyes again,breathless.
He pulled off the black rope and came back in, climbing on top of bucky as he tied bucky's hands together.

"S-steve-" he moaned.
"It's daddy to you." Steve whispered as Bucky closed his eyes and moaned.
"Jesus, stop moaning, your pants aren't even off yet.
"I-it hurts.." bucky whimpered.
"I know." Steve said quietly.

"It'll be okay.." he soothed as he put his fingers in Bucky's hair and pulled his hair back.
"Steve-" he moaned, only to be cut off by Steve putting his hand over his mouth.

"Don't say it..." steve whispered, pulling bucky's hair back and began to take off his pants, once they were off, he started kissing down bucky's neck to his chest and stopped at the rim of his boxers, he looked up at him, smirking.

"You want this?" Steve asked.
Bucky nodded quickly
"Y-yes.." he whimpered.
"Yes who?" Steve asked.
"Y-yes....D-daddy...." he moaned.
Steve's eyes darkened as he pulled down Bucky's boxers, smirking when Bucky gasped.

[Aaaaaaand that's all i have rn, i have had a writting block for this story for like a year(????)]

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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