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James barely slept that night.
When he did he kept having the exact same dream.
Steve was there.
He was touching him.
It all felt real.
Too real.

And James wanted it.
He needed it.
He craved it.
The thought caused a burning sensation in his face and stomach.

It burned like a fire worse than any other.
He felt sick..
But he also felt good.

-1 week later-

Steven was working on one of the Projects with making drugs illegal that he would present to the president and the government(forgot what the peeps infront of him were called)

There was small knock on the door.
He didn't look up, only answered
"Come in."
James walked into the room slowly, and Steve looked up.
Once seeing it was him, he straightened himself up and looked at him.

"Is there something you need?" He asked.
"S-steve i.." he mumbled, the vulnerability crystal clear.
"Okay, cut the bullshit, James." He said, standing up and walking infront him.
(I did this for more sexual tension)

"What do you want?" He asked, towering over James intimidatingly.
"I...i just thought-" he stuttered.
"You don't know who i am or what i want." Steve spat, cutting him off harshly.
James felt tears brim his eyes as he looked up at him.
"Please..." he whispered, his voice broken.
"What else can i do...?" He asked him silently.

Steve took his arm and pulled James towards him.
He looked at his eyes before turning and dragging him to his room.

"Go to the bedroom, Touch yourself and there'll be consequences." He said sternly and James nodded quickly.
He slowly walked upstairs, seeing the bedroom.

He slowly pushed open the doors and went inside, the bed was huge and the room was dimly lit.
There was a desk with papers scattered and a lamp.
He slowly got onto the bed as he pulled off his shirt.

He whimpered at the silence in the room, uncomfortable that he was alone.
He got up and slowly went to the door.
"Steve?" He asked quietly, looking around.
He heard a small grunt and he looked downstairs.

Steve pulled the shirt over his head, his muscles flexing made James hard.
James bit his lip as he then went back into the room.

He whined as he rocked against his aching cock, hoping he would get friction, when he did, he let out a low moan.

"I thought i said don't touch yourself." Steven said as he closed and locked the door.


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