Photos for My Love

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Mina paces around anxiously in her room as she strokes her chin, pondering about something she just realized not so long ago. It was late and she should be sleeping at this time, but no matter how many times she tossed and turned on her mattress, her eyes wouldn't close, leading her to notice something she should've noticed a long time ago, the hidden changes in her girlfriend.

"How did I not notice it earlier?" Mina groans, running her hands through her hair. Most of these things were very obvious.

Seorin suddenly began taking pictures of her since four months ago, and Mina didn't question it one bit, as it wasn't suspicious. But.. now that she thought about it, every time she asked to look at the pictures she took, Seorin would distract her with something else. This has happened numerous times. Mina curses her short attention span.

Ever since she started dating Seorin, she never striked her as a girl who was into photography. Seorin was more of a writing person, and Mina knows she has a number of diaries stacked away somewhere in her apartment. However, one day, Seorin just showed up on their date with a camera in hand.

Seorin was also.. more calm and composed than usual. Before this, she'd already been a graceful and reserved girl, but she would have some moments when she was energetic and playful. But now, those moments have been scarce, very scarce.

Mina stops in her tracks, beginning to feel very uneasy. What was going on with her girlfriend?

With a soft sigh, she sits on the edge of her bed, looking faraway as she drowns in her vast, ocean of thoughts, both good and bad. She really wanted answers, but she knows Seorin wouldn't tell her. She wants to respect her privacy, but she would probably go crazy due to the stupid scenarios her brain would make up.

"Seorin.. what's wrong with you?" she murmurs, tears welling up in her eyes. She falls onto her bed, her eyes now staring up at the ceiling as her tears started to stream down her rosy cheeks,  "Would you tell me if I asked you?"

Slowly, she drifts off into a restless sleep. And a few minutes after she did, the door to her bedroom opens, and reveals the figure who had been standing behind it this entire time, quietly listening in.

Seorin stares at Mina with a pained look, on the verge of breaking down right there at that very moment. But she forces herself to walk into her girlfriend's bedroom, and she could feel her heart breaking at every step she took. Silently, she sets the book down on her girlfriend's nightstand, keeping her eyes on Mina's sleeping face the entire time, as if looking away would make Mina suddenly disappear.

"I'm sorry, Love." Seorin whispers into Mina's ear, before leaning down to place a last peck on her forehead. She caresses her girlfriend's hair with a wistful smile on her lips as tears rolled down her cheeks like a pair of waterfalls. The droplets fell on Mina's bed.

"I really hope.. you can forgive me. Mina."

With a loud gasp, Mina's body jolts as she awoke from her slumber, eyes snapping upon only to meet her beige ceiling. She pushes herself up into a sitting position, staring at her blankets which covered her body, shielding her from the cold blast of air from her air-con. She swore she didn't sleep under the covers yesterday night. And.. she also swore she heard Seorin's voice.

 She looks around her room, blinking owlishly when she sees the book wrapped with a red ribbon on her nightstand, along with a note, with Seorin's handwriting on it. Mina could recognize it anywhere.

Please read this — Seorin

Mina picks the book up, her eyes analysing it for a minute, before she moved her hands towards the bow on it. She was about to untie it when her phone suddenly rang. It was Hyejin.

She answers it, "Hello?"

"Mina!" Hyejin practically screamed on the other line, panic and worry evident in her voice.

Mina furrows her brow, "Hyejin? What's wrong?"

"Have you seen Seorin?" Hyejin questions.

Mina feels an uneasy feeling settle in her gut upon hearing Hyejin's question, "N-No.. why?"

"Because she's left me a message saying goodbye! And no matter how many times I try to call her, it says that the—"

Mina's eyes visibly lost their light.

"—number has been deactivated!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2019 ⏰

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