Chapter 1 - |Back again|

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"Look at the rainbow, it is made up of different colors, yet they do not split, because they know how beautiful they are when they stick together." — Michael Bassey Johnson


The time seems to stop, around him.

This tone.

This voice.

The red-head stops himself, and he takes time to understand who was actually right behind him.

His smile slowly disappears.

He hears some steps towards him, and a frenetic breathing.

Was the time really slow, or was it just him? Did everything stop just because of this voice, or was he hallucinating?

He had the impression that yes, it was the time, who came to a stop.

Sweat drops start to trace down his face, and he doesn't feel this good anymore, as he lets a breath out, feeling something blocking the depth of his throat.

Oh well.

It was an incredibly familiar voice.

Kageyama gives him a weird look, above his shoulder, when he feels that the little exited sun of his team has brutally stopped all movements, and was now frozen on the floor, his two hand firmly gripped on his sport bag, eyes widely opened.

The black-haired setter raises one of his fine eyebrows, wondering what the hell his rival was up to.

Tobio now stopped, it was then the time for Tsukishima to ask himself why these idiots had to stop in halfway of the team cloakroom. They all went together at the bathroom, after they won the match against Aoba-Josai, and in a moment of euphoria, everyone knew that the duo could be really dangerous, if left alone.

That's why Suga assigned Tsukishima to watch them, so that no one of these fools went and buried the stadium with one of their stupid challenges.

All it took was a dark look from the grey-haired elder, and Tsukishima sighed as he accepted.

Trust him, you wouldn't want to anger Koushi, even if Kei would never admit it, of course, his pride being bigger in his heart than his fears.

And here they were, outside the bathrooms, with the duo suddenly frozen in place. He turns around with an exasperated sigh, and discovers with curiosity that Hinata was strangely calm.

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