Chapter 10 - |Royals|

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Tobio jolted awake, coughing as he gained consciousness again, the blinding light of some projectors hurting his eyes a bit.

He was curiously kneeling before Hinata's Captain, and had to raise a little his head to look at him directly. Akashi watched him with the same intensity that gave Kageyama sweat drops in the face. The kind of wicked smile that anyone would be afraid of, and would step away from not to distract his attention.

And was it him or the tension in the place was ten more oppressive than the last time he was here..? Everyone seemed beliwered, starting with Akashi, who showed his interest to him the most. And when a deep chuckle reached his ears, he couldn't help but to jump in surprise, turning his head to the source of the sound, eyes wide.

W̷e̷l̷l̷, w̷e̷l̷l̷. S̷o̷ y̷o̷u̷'̷r̷e̷ t̷h̷e̷ n̷e̷w̷b̷i̷e̷ C̷a̷p̷t̷a̷i̷n̷ t̷o̷l̷d̷ u̷s̷ a̷b̷o̷u̷t̷?̷

He could see from here, that the smile Kise wore wasn't warm at all, as the scary fluorescent glint of his pupils shined under the black shade that covered all of his body, making him look more imposant and bigger. The playful and almost childish grin didn't gave Tobio the want to approach him, and he chose to observe it from here.

But he's so tired, he can't help but just blink.

What the fuck, he has it too.

"Oi, Kise." Aomine clicks his tongue, angry. "Do ya really think that's the best moment to let yours out?"

I̷ c̷e̷r̷t̷a̷i̷n̷l̷y̷ d̷i̷d̷n̷'̷t̷ m̷i̷s̷s̷ ̷y̷o̷u̷,̷ D̷a̷i̷k̷i̷.

Nevermind. This was clearly not Kise.

Nishinoya Yuu was lost.

Like, really lost.

What were they taking about? Are they idiots? Out? Other? Monster? Did they have hallucinations? And why the fuck did this Akashi made his teammate kneel over absolutely nothing? Yuu looked away, when the Captain turned his head towards him with a smile who told him not to repeat in his head the thing he just said if he didn't want any messed up things happening to him in the future.

He didn't overthink the way that this creep could hear his thoughts, because he found them all crazy. He should just stay besides Hinata. It was much safer than with anyone now.

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