Harry Hook X Abused! Reader

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Harry Hook x Abused! Reader

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Harry Hook x Abused! Reader

[WARNING! Mild language]

A sharp blow to the gut knocked me backwards into a wall.
I whimpered and held my stomach.
"Go clean up. No one needs to know what goes on in this house."
Mother walked past me, making sure to step on my hand with her sharp heel before she left. I pulled myself up and went to the bathroom to wrap myself up in gause. I put on some makeup on my eye to cover the shiner she had so 'graciously' given me.
My mother is Lady Tremaine. My BIRTH mother. Cinderella thought she had it bad, at least she wasn't trapped in a giant bubble in the middle of the ocean. I slipped on a raggedy old long sleeve and leggings.
Yep. That was her favorite nickname. Along with 'whore' 'tramp' and 'hooker.' I went out, trying to find something to eat.
Harry and I had been friends for a few years. He kept saying how he wanted me to meet Uma, who I assumed was his girlfriend. When I was stealing apples, I felt two eyes drilling into the back of my head.
"Oh my god . . . the amazing and innocent Y/N, doing something BAD?" Harry gasped.
"Hello Harry." I laughed as he placed a kiss on my knuckles.
"Come with me . . . I want you to meet my crew."
I followed him to a little shop called 'Ursula's fish and chips' and when he opened the door, there was a mess of pirates inside.
"Ooh, so THIS is where you get your, ahem, UNIQUE sense of style." I giggled.
"Oh shush." he smirked, bumping me on the hip.
He led me to the bar and called out,
A girl with long blue braids came out from the back room and leaned against the bar. She looked at me with raised eyebrows.
"Who's this Harry? Finally letting us meet your girlfriend?" she smirked.
I blushed.
'So they aren't dating!' I thought.
"This is my friend, Y/N."
Uma stuck out her hand and gave me a bright smile.
"Hello, I'm Uma." she then turned around and called, "RYAN! WANNA MAKE A BET?"
The boy called Ryan came out and leaned against the door frame.
"What's the bet?"
"I bet you $20, that they'll be dating by the end of the year." Ryan looked me up and down.
"I bet that it'll be the end of November."
It was October. I looked at Harry incredulously and he shrugged in a way that pretty much said 'yeah, their weird, you'll get used to it.'
"So Y/N, how would you like to visit more often?"
"As often as I'll be able to." I smiled weakly.
I had met Harry's crew last month. And I was pretty much one of them. I didn't have that, pirate-y style yet, I wasn't sure about that, but I was there almost every day. Mother hated me going there, and every time I left I got a really bad beating when I got back. It would get harder and harder to hide the scars. Gil noticed one and very loudly pointed it out. But I came up with a quick story, and the entire situation diffused quickly. One day, when I was walking to the shop. Uma greeted me happily and handed me a package. Inside was a pirate outfit. (Pic at top)

I looked at it and gulped. It showed a good amount of skin, and I didn't have enough makeup to cover the scars. Uma grabbed me and shoved me into a room to change. I took a couple of deep breaths and slipped it on. I was praying it wouldn't be so bad, but it had an open back that showed my worst one. It actually was an open wound that stung if you touched it. It was from being thrown at the wall before I came. I put my hair down to hide it and took a deep breath. I opened the door and Uma stared at me.
"Y/N . . . You look beautiful."
I smiled, my breathing easing up. Harry then walked in and turned red. He looked me up and down and stared at my legs that had markings on them. I closed my eyes and groaned as he walked up to me and cupped my cheek in his hands.
I pursed my lips and looked away. I felt something on my back wound and I jumped away, hissing in pain. I turned to see Gil, with his hand drawn back. What I forgot was that he moved my hair out of the way. And I now had my back to Harry. I felt his hands on my upper arms, holding me in place.
'Crap crap crap crap crap crap crap!' I thought frantically.
I could hear his breathing becoming shallow as he looked at my wounds. He sat me down at the bar and looked over at Uma.
"Can you get her some decent bandages?" he said in a low voice.
Uma left hurriedly and I began to cry. Harry wiped my tears away with his finger. He kissed my forehead and asked a simple question.
"M-My mothe-er." I hiccuped.
He laid my head against his chest, and I could feel the growl ripple through his chest. My breathing eased up and I calmed down.
"Those stupid princes and princesses. They force us all here and don't imagine the consequences that we suffer through."
I shut my eyes and rested in his chest. The doors burst open and Mother stormed in.
I jumped and scooted back hurriedly, hitting my back on the counter. I whimpered in pain and sank to the floor. Harry helped me up carefully and glared at Mother.
I began to shake. And flinched when Harry put his hand on my back.
Harry drew his sword, Uma behind him. Mother looked outraged.
"Don't you DARE point your swords at me! I'll be taking my slut of a daughter HOME now!"
"I'm sorry but she's no longer your daughter, and I'm afraid she already IS home." Harry said cooly.
Mother stormed toward me and Uma threw me a sword. I smiled and pointed it at her throat. She looked like she just ate some of Uma's oysters.
"YOU. I gave you LIFE! And this is how you repay me?!"
"No." I said with a sudden surge of strength. "You gave me hell. I WON'T BE YOUR SLAVE ANYMORE!" I screamed.
Mother was about to say something, but then she turned around to see the rest of the crew, the rest of MY crew, pointing their swords at her. She huffed and pushed the door open. She looked at me over her shoulder and glared at me.
"You'll get yours one day whore. I swear to that." she said before leaving.
I started to laugh out of delirium and hugged Harry. He placed his hands on my butt when he hugged me. I pulled away and looked at him with a slight glare.
"Sorry, I didn't want to touch your back." he said with a smirk.
I smacked him gently on the forehead as he pressed his lips to my own. I blushed as he pulled away and he smirked at me.
"YES!" Ryan screamed as Uma handed him a $20.
"Maybe we should go somewhere a little more . . . private. You know, so I can help you with the scars that are underneath your new clothes~"
I blushed as Uma cheered and Harry led me out of the shop.
(I'll leave the rest to your imagination 😏😉)

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