Harry Hook X Reader [Enemies?]

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Harry Hook x Reader [Enemies?]

nO hate, but I'm making reader-chan's mom Tink, and her dad Pan. I don't ship them or whatever, but it helps with the story.
This was requested a WHILE ago, 4/6
But the request was really vague so i had some fun with this uwu

I was left on the isle. Ditched. However you wanna say it. My parents, the amazing Peter Pan, and the beautiful Tinkerbell, decided that I would be better where I belonged. I was a misfit child. Still am, but now it's acceptable. I never followed the rules. I would sneak out almost every night, just so I could feel free. They either didn't want to deal with my rebellious ass, or thought I would learn my lesson while on the isle. Fat chance, I'm stubborn as shit.
No one knew about my parents. I just told everyone that I was orphaned when I was really young. That I couldn't remember who they were. Actually, I loved it on the isle. No one was telling you what to do. If they did I just punched them and ran. My first day here, I was so overwhelmed. Even a bit scared. I never knew anything like this. Uma found me and let me join her crew. She was very cautious around me at first. Always keeping an eye on me as if I'd steal what little money she had and run. But I liked her crew. They were cool.
I would constantly catch my eyes wandering towards Harry though. I may be rebellious, but there was no way I would be able to be with him. He was really loyal to his dad, and if he found out who I was I would be screwed. If ANYONE found out, but he was the only one I really cared about.

I groaned and slammed my head against a table. My mind had wandered to places it shouldn't have, AGAIN. I could feel those stupid butterflies in the pit of my stomach.
"I stand from afar in my hand broken heart while I play pretend." I murmured to myself.
I stole a glance at Harry from across the room and he met my gaze. I flushed as he smirked and winked.
"You're not helping." I muttered under my breath.
"Loser table for one? Right this way~"
I looked up at Uma and a girl with purple hair. Uma looked at her with loathing and I frowned in confusion.
"Daughter of Maleficent." said a voice next to my ear.
I muffled the shriek that threatened to deafen everyone in the room.
"Good God Harry, a little warning next time?" I whisper-shouted, pressing my hand to my heart, turning to look at him.
"But that's no fun~" he smirked. "You were wondering who that girl was right? That's the daughter of Maleficent. Her name's Mal."
"Maleficent named her daughter Mal? Isn't that just short for Maleficent?"
Harry chuckled and shrugged. I turned back around and kept my focus on the two girls. And tried not to think about how close Harry was sitting behind to me. I felt him blow air at my ear and I shivered.
"Do I fluster you?~" He said, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder.
I bit my lip and tried hard not to let the smile break out onto my face. Harry chuckled, sending chills down my spine. Uma slammed Mal's hand down on the table and cheered.

*Le time skip*

I was holding Ben by the rope around his wrists on the plank. Every so often, I would tilt him forward, so if I let go, he would fall.
"Please stop doing that." He whispered shakily after I let go for a half second.
"Mmm, no." I said with a giggle.
"Y/N! Uma said I'm watching over our cargo." Harry said, walking over.
I stuck out my bottom lip and crossed my arms.
"That's no fun."
Harry chuckled and flicked my forehead.
"Ok psycho."
I leaned against the railing, looking out to the ocean. I felt a breeze run through my hair and I smiled.
"Whatcha thinking about Love?~"
I shrugged and chewed on my nail. I was actually thinking about him. What happened during Mal and Uma's arm wrestle. His arms around my waist, the way it felt to be so close to him. I felt myself smile.
He grabbed my chin and tilted it toward his face. My cheeks burned as I looked up at him. He smirked and kissed me softly. I had never been so torn in my life. I wanted him so bad. But he didn't know who I was, and if he found out . . . he would hate me.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed myself against him. It took everything I had to keep myself from crying. We broke apart and he looked at me with light pink cheeks.
He suddenly turned around and shouted,
I'd tell him later. I pulled out my sword and got ready for the fight that would inevitably begin.

Time skip

A sword came at my head and I blocked it just in time. But I was too close to the railing, and the force knocked me off the boat.
The water rushed closer and closer to my face. Without thinking I held my hands out in front of me and slowed my fall, tossing my body back onto the boat. I stood on the railing. One step back and I would fall. The fighting stopped. All eyes were on me.
"What?" I asked.
I saw something in the corner of my eye and my stomach dropped. My wings . . .
A huge pair of fairy wings were attached to my back. My eyes landed on Harry, who looked at me with loathing.
"You're the daughter of Tinkerbell." he spat.
My eyes watered, but I wiped them away with the back of my hand. My breath and my legs went weak. Harry came at me with his sword and half of me wanted to let him come. But my legs kicked backwards, letting me fall back towards the water. My wings caught me before I could hit it, and I soared over buildings on the isle. Letting the tears fall.

Harry POV

I was mad. No, not even mad. I was livid. I knew those wings. Those were the wings of Tinkerbell. She lied. She knew who her parents were. Before I had time to think, I moved towards her with my sword. She looked guilty and terrified. She leaned back and let herself fall. She flew around the boat and back towards the isle.

Mini time skip to after the fight.

I sat at the bar, my hands shaking in anger. She was the daughter of my dad's worst enemy. That means she was MY worst enemy.
"How could I let this happen?" I thought out loud. "How could I have fallen for my enemy?"
Uma walked up to me.
"Who said she was your enemy?"
I looked up at her.
"She's the daughter of Tink. I'm the son of Hook. That makes us enemies."
"No, that makes your parents enemies. Your life is yours. If you like her then you like her. The relationship between Captain Hook and Tinkerbell is THEIR relationship. Not yours."
Uma went into the back to go do something. I sighed. She was right, as usual. But Y/N saw the look in my eyes, she knew how I felt about her mom. Could I get her back?


I sat on the tallest rooftop, looking over the Isle. My legs hanging over the edge. My wings were gone. I never wanted to use them again. My face was wet from crying. I knew this would happen. I knew he would find out. But I didn't stay away like I should have. This was my fault.
A dry sob fought its way out my throat and I buried my face in my hands. I didn't even notice the footsteps behind me.
"Y/N . . . I am so sorry." Harry said. "You didn't deserve that. I shouldn't have overreacted . . . I am so sorry." his voice broke.
"Pan's my dad." I said quietly.
"Peter Pan. He's my dad, Tink's my mom. They sent me here because I wasn't perfect. I was the rebellious kid so they dumped me off here."
Harry sat down next to me. He pulled me close to him and I shut my eyes, enveloping myself in his warmth.
"They say two wrongs don't make a right, I think you're proof of that being false." He said, a flirty smile on his face.
I laughed and he kissed my forehead. He helped me up, and took me back to the shop. There were still some suspicious faces, but after an hour or two everything was back to normal.

Harry became my boyfriend, and BOTH our parents had something to say about it, but that's another story~

(should I do a part two of the parents' reactions?)

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